Chapter Eighteen ✧ Find Him

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AN: Jessica's outfit is up top for the second part of the chapter is up top.

Fair warning, the rest of this act is real rough.

Jessica Rogers was brokenly numb as she looked out at the Arctic ocean, Howard Stark by her side

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Jessica Rogers was brokenly numb as she looked out at the Arctic ocean, Howard Stark by her side.

The pair were searching for the Steve's crashed ship, Howard offering to bring her along for the search as he knew how much the man had meant to Jessica.

Howard placed a hand on Jessica's shoulder, the woman's eyes red from tears as they continuously streamed down her face, "We'll find him, Jessica. I assure you that."

"And if we don't?" Jessica sniffed, her voice scratchy and rough from not talking for two days, "Are we just going to give him a burial at sea?"

Jessica let out a choked sob, covering her mouth before she bit down on her fist to conceal her cries. Howard softened as the lump grew in his throat, his heart clenching in his chest for the woman.

"Jessica?" He whispered, causing her to turn toward him.

He put both his hands on her shoulders, fingers rubbing into her skin, "I promise you that I will spend the rest of my days searching for him for you. You are a friend and I love you. We will find him."

"Thank you," Jessica murmured, salt water stinging her eyes, "You're a good man, Howard Stark."

"Anything for you, dollface," Howard gave her a grim smile.

All Jessica could muster up was to give him a small hug, embracing the man lightly before she pulled back. The man sighed as she went back to looking out to the ice cold water filled with glaciers.

After a few moments, her attention was taken when one of Howard's men said, "Sir? Miss?"

Jessica and Howard walked over to the man, who was looking at a screen that showed a mechanical arm grabbing onto the Tesseract that was on the Valkyrie, along with Steve and Schmidt.

Her heart sank as knew Steve had to of been close, her hand unconsciously reaching for her wedding ring on her other finger.

"We will go to the next grid point tomorrow. Today, we need to take Mrs. Rogers back to the London," Howard ordered, making Jessica look to him wide eyes.

Jessica furrowed her brow, one of the first times she had shown expression since she lost Steve, "What do you mean? I thought that I would be staying with you?"

"Do you trust me, Jess?" Howard questioned, giving her a soft look. Jessica immediately nodded, "After everything? Of course I do, Howard."

"Then please trust that I will find him and bring him back to you," He pleaded, causing Jessica to let out a long breath before nodding.

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