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As I unlocked my phone the next morning, the conversation between Melvin and I was what displayed. I locked it not thinking about checking the message I had seen its notification. If Melvin had figured out about my love triangle then anyone else would. Our Manager had always thought there was something between Phil and I, even though neither of us ever agreed to the 'accusations' as we called it. The day flew by fast than I thought it would, I had been busy for the most part of the day, Phin didn't come during the day I figured out that he was also busy like I was. Later that night both Melvi and Phil showed up, my mind was occupied thinking about how Melviy would sell me out to his friends. "I haven't made love with Phil, does that mean by thinking about him is cheating with Phin, since we had gone all the way" I asked myself.
This triangle was exhausting me. I stayed away from the cafeteria since I did not want any conversation between the friends. Melvin did not miss my action and as soon as they left he sent me a text message asking me why I was avoiding them. I liked and hated him, how could he not miss the things he was supposed to? Some part of him was happy that there was someone I would share out my feelings with and maybe we could figure it out together but the other part didn't fully trust him to betray his friends. The conversation with Melvin went on as I tried to convince him that I was busy with other things and I wasn't avoiding them but he couldn't buy it, I went on and reminded him about our latest employee, coupling them up and adding how they would look pretty together. At least that was a good distraction for some time. We discussed on how he could take her number the following day and I would cover for her during the nights she needed to leave with him.
I wouldn't avoid talking about my Ps for long with the only person who knew, about then and soon we were back to it. I didn't talk about our personal experiences in details and whenever Melvin asked how far we had gone with both of them I kept it personal and said that we hadn't made any step yet. Well Melvin being a good or a bad friend suggested that he had an idea on what to do. I had mentioned about leaving them both and being with Melvin as a joke we laughed to it and flattered for a few minutes about it then Melvin put his idea on the table, "Why don't you sleep with Phin first, he is always quiet and reserved maybe he doesn't have good sex experience, from the look you are not a good girl why don't you make him your bad boy". He said. I read the text several times. I wanted to tell Melvin that Phin was like a pornstar in bed but I wouldn't. I replied with smile emojis then said it was a good Idea. Was this Melvin's way of telling me that he was team Phin all the way??

THE LOVE TRIANGLEWhere stories live. Discover now