♡ 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟸 ♡

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Before you got here you thought it would be easy to make some friends, but now that you're here reality kicked in

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Before you got here you thought it would be easy to make some friends, but now that you're here reality kicked in. You sat on your phone while waiting for the next period.

Everyone was talking to their friends, well... not everyone. They boy that sat in front of you, what was his name again? Suna? Yeah that's what it was. He still had his face in the desk with his arms in front it. He was breathing slowly and you could only guess he was sleeping.

You didn't know or care about him enough to wake him up.

There was still 10 minutes to next period and it was starting to get to loud in the classroom so you went to get some fresh air.

You sat down behind the school and scrolled on your phone.

You got exactly 3 minutes of peace before someone found you. It was no other than fox eyes.

"Already found my secret spot, huh?" He looked at you and lit a cigarette. I didnt answer.

He looked away and started to exhale to smoke.

"Care to share?" You got up and walked a few steps towards him. He hummed in response and handed you the cigarette.

You inhaled snd exhaled before giving it back. He looked at you and let out a chuckle.

"What?" You looked in his eyes wondering why he laughed at you.

"I never thought someone like you were a smoker" he put the cigarette back in his mouth.

"I'm not" he looked at you in suprise, "cigarettes are expensive so I only smoke when the cigarette is already there" you said as you walked away hearing him giggle a little.

You went back in the classroom and sat back at your desk.

Suna walked in a few minutes later and sat at his desk.

You stared into space zoning out before the teacher's voice snapped you out of it.

You had a lot to catch up on so you tried your best to pay attention, but you quickly spaced out again.


Finally it was lunch time. You sat on your desk and took out your bento from your backpack.

You where bored out of your mind so you decided to post something on instagram.

You looked trough your camera roll to find the picture you wanted to post. You decided on a photo you took with your friends at your old school.

You laughed a bit at the silly picture while you posted it. You missed your old friends already.

"What are you laughing about?" Suna had turned towards you, sitting backwards in his chair.

"Just a picture i took at my old school" you smiled at him.

"Let me see" he took your phone and looked at it. "It's a cute picture, you should post it"

"I was in the middle of doing that before you interrupted me" you both laughed a little when you said that.

"Whats your username?" He asked. You gave him your phone again and he typed in your user, "there. I'm your first follower". You took your phone back and clicked on his profile.

"27k followers?" You looked at him in disbelief as he laughed a little at your comment.

"Yeah, I'm going to be really busy next year due to volleyball so I really need this price" his smile disappeared, "I wont win though. Right now my friend Atsumu is in the lead with 44k followers"

"Why are you hanging out with me instead of your friends?" He rolled his eyes when you said that.

"They're too loud, a bunch of pussies and you totally match my vibe" he smiled again as he said the last part, "I'm your first friend aren't I?"

"You didn't have to put it that way" you looked away in embarrassment, "but yeah, you are"

"I'm honored" he smirked.

"I'm honored" he smirked

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A race to 100k Suna x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now