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"Dear Rin

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"Dear Rin.

I love you.

I guess I've loved you for a long time, but I never realized. Do you believe in love at first sight? Well I didn't, until now. I guess I don't know for sure yet. I haven't really figured my feelings out yet, but that's beside the point.

When you let me take a picture of your text book because I didn't have them yet, opened something inside me. It's nothing special actually, but no one has ever done that to me before. I know almost every person would have done the same thing, but this time it was you and I needed no one else than you at that moment. I didnt know it at that time yet though.

Something sparks inside me whenever you turn your chair to talk to me in class. Or when we share a cigarette!

Remember that time when you found me on the floor? I was such a clutz. Anyways, that was the first event that led to this whole dating mess wasn't it?

I hope you know how much i liked when we had that study night. We went to the store again to buy jelly sticks. They're your favorite right? You know, I didnt like them that much, yet I find myself eating them ever so often. I guess they remind me of you.

I kinda wish I didn't learn how to skate. I really wanna be in your back, my face burried in your neck while you skate. But then again, I didn't know how to act when you held my hands trying to teach me. Not to mention when we skated on that abounded road.

Speaking of that absurd date idea of yours, let's do it again. I remember that girl who came up to us. I ruined her confidence. Or when you suggested we were going to sleep in that rundown building. Why did I fall for a crazy guy like you? I remember it was so fucking cold. I wouldn't have slept if it weren't for you and your arms around me. I wanted to stay like that forever. The face you made when you realized you had a match was hilarious.

By the way, when I asked why you helped me skate you said it was a surprise. Was that date the suprise?

Has anyone told you that your hugs are the best? The day you asked me to be your girlfriend I froze. I know I gave off a rude expression, but I was so happy. You told me I could get anything un return, and I think I know what I want now. What I'm about to say might seem really gross, but hear me out. I wish didn't say you smelled bad. To be honest I wish I could smell you once again.

You're a bold one. Commenting on my underwear? Do it again.

When everything seemed to go down hill you kissed me. I think that was when I knew I've fallen for you. I ran away. Thats my biggest regret.

I fell in love with you once again when you asked me to call you Rin. God I'm glad I came to that party. You kissed me again and told me you didn't want me to get lost. Not to mention what happened in the bathroom.

You're at 95k followers now and this adventure id coming to an end.

There are a lot of other things that has happened. Like all the times I've fallen asleep on you, but I think I've gotten my point clear plus this stupid love letter is getting quite long so I'll end it here.

I love you"

You lifted the pen off the paper and placed it beside you. You folded the paper and put it into an envelope. Were you going to mail it to Suna? Never. You're going to burn it.

You grabbed a lighter and headed outside. You squatted down and lit the letter on fire. You watched the flames eat the paper as you revealed a smile.

"Whatcha burning?" Suna sat down beside you. You didn't notice that he was standing there. You should've known. He always comes to your apartment to hang out.

"Nothing important"

"Nothing important"

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