♡ 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟼 ♡

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"Hey Y/n, I have a favor to ask" Suna said as you leaned your head closer to his lips to hear him talk, "I have a pack of cigarettes and a lighter in my pocket

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"Hey Y/n, I have a favor to ask" Suna said as you leaned your head closer to his lips to hear him talk, "I have a pack of cigarettes and a lighter in my pocket. You mind putting one in my mouth and lighting it?"

"And why should I?" You could hear him let out a sigh as you said that.

"I mean, I could just drop you right now" Suna let go of you for a split second to scare you. This caught you by suprise.

"Alright, alright" you put your hand in his pocket feeling for the cigarettes, "open up" Suna opend his mouth and you put the cigarette in. You stuck your hand in his pocket again and found the lighter. It took you three takes before you got it. Suna chuckled as you lit the cigarette.

"We're going to the local skatepark" he still had the cigarette in his mouth, "there shouldn't be anyone there since it's still school"

"Why exactly are we going to a skatepark? I wanted to sleep" you sounded quite annoyed.

"I'm teaching you to skate" he spat out his cigarette and skatet over it.

"I never said I wanted to learn" you rolled your eyes a little, but you really did wanna learn, but there was no way you'd tell him that.

"You'll need it later. I have a surprise" he smirked a little, "you don't have to learn any tricks, but you need to know how to skate fast over a longer period of time"

«Why would I need to learn that" you held him tighter so he wouldn't drop you.

"I said its a suprise" he winked, "you really like hugging me, huh?"

"Get off your high horse, I don't want you to drop me again"

"I wont, we're here anyways" he stopped skating and put you down, "get on the skateboard"

You hesitated to get on, but you got on carefully. You tried your best to find your balance.

«You can't just stand there you gotta move" Suna laughed at you, "take one foot down and push forward"

"Suna I'll fall" you looked at him looking genuinely worried.

"Alright I'll teach you the basics before we start moving" Suna held out his hand, "hold my hand if you're scared you'll fall"

"I wanna go home" you took Sunas hand and held it tightly.

"We're not going home until you can atleast skate one round around the park without me" Suna took you other hand, "there are two ways to turn. Number one is to shift your weight on your toes or heels, depending on with way you're going. Come on try"

You held his hands as you did what he said.

"Good you got it" he smiled at you attempting to motivate you, "the other one is to to put all your weight on your back foot, lifting the front. You can figure the rest out from there"

This one was a lot harder and scarier for you, but after some tries you finally got it. You decided that the previous method was working best for you.

"Okay, I'll still hold your hands and we can go slow. Start pushing" Suna looked at your back foot waiting for you to do something. After some deep breaths you started off with small, stiff pushes, "oh wow you're stiff"

"It's my first time I'm doing my best" you whined.

"I'm sorry" he laughed, not really being sorry, "get more off a feel to it you know. Bend the knee that's on the board too. After a while you'll be more free in your movements"

You started to get what he ment and started going faster. You got so excited you didn't notice Suna had let go off your hands. Everything went smooth till you came to a turn, that's when you noticed Suna was no longer there and you panicked, falling off. You fell right on the concrete, but it didn't really hurt.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" Suna ran over to you, "you've got to turn shifting the weight to your toes, like we just practiced!"

"Yeah I just panicked" you said while brushing off some dust on your thighs before stepping on the skateboard again, "let me try again"

This time you got it and you went multiple times around the park before stopping. It was actually really fun.

"Y/n you got it we can go home now" Suna said stepping on the skateboard, "get on the front"

"You're not carrying me?" You asked.

"We're skating home together" he pointed at the front, instructing you to get on. And you did, "I think you're good enough to do that now, don't you think?"

You smiled as he held his fingers on your waist. Both of your movements synced up and you just enjoyed the moment.

Soon enough you where in front of your apartment.

"Here take the board and practice" he handed you his board.

"Don't you need it yourself?" You still took the board despite your question.

"It's a spare, my main one is at home" you nodded in response and he turned around, "see you tomorrow!" He walked slowly away.

You closed your door and changed into an oversized hoodie before jumping into your double bed, but before you went to sleep you got a notification on your phone.

'Sunai.arizaki has mentioned you in a post'

arizaki has mentioned you in a post'

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