♡ 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟾 ♡

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You and Suna walked in between the seats to find a free seat

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You and Suna walked in between the seats to find a free seat. Every seat was occupied and you started to lose hope till you found a free seat in the back. Suna was walking in front of you so you shoved him to the side and ran to the window seat. Suna fell right on a poor old lady, he quickly apologized before sitting beside you.

"You're not getting your food" he looked at before dramatically turning his head and letting out a little, "hmp!"

"I'm sorry" you grabbed his arm with both of your hands, bringing yourself closer to his face so he could see you in his side veiw. Suna tried his hardest not to look at you. "Please" you puoted at him. Suna opened his mouth to say something before he was interrupted.

"Oh my god! Are you Suna?" A female figure were however over Suna, looking directly in his emerald eyes. She was a very beautiful woman with very defined facial features. She had a spark in her eyes and a big, white smile.

"Yeah I am. Do I know you?" Suna had the same comfusing look you had seen many times. The lady shook her head still smiling, then she took out her phone and started looking for something on it. "Am I supposed to know you or something?" Suna backed his face away from hers.

"No, not at all" she looked at the boy with emerald eyes, then back at her phone before showing Suna whatever was on her phone, "look I follow you on instagram!"

"Cool! I appreciate it, but can you back up a bit?" Suna was clearly uncomfortable and maybe a little annoyed. You were starting to get really annoyed at this point. You didn't care about this woman and the fact that she was talking to Suna. You just wanted your precious food.

"Oh yeah sorry" she backed up, putting her phone in her back pocket as well. Her pockets were really small so half the phone stuck out. "Is she your girlfriend?" She looked at you. You could see a little disgust in her eyes and clearly Suna noticed it too.

"Yeah, her name is Y/n" Suna turned to you and had a look in his eyes that you could read easily. 'Please forgive me for this', it said. Your first thought was that he was gonna kiss you as his face came closer and his hand almost touching your face. You started thinking of a million ways to kill him, but you were interrupted as he simply patted your head.

"Oh I see" she didn't even try to hide the disgusted look in her face. You lifted your eyebrows asking if there was a problem. "Well, I just don't think you're the right girl for him" she took a short pause before chuckling, "I mean look at you Suna! You're so hot, still you decided to date...that" you were really annoyed at this, you only wanted to eat. The girls looked at you and pretended to gag.

"And you think YOU'RE the right girl?" You looked at her with a smug look on your face, watching her fits close and her lips go into a thin line. You could see that she was offended by your statement so you continued, "did I hit a nerve? I'm sorry" You faked sympathied, "Suna goes for girls with personality, meaning you have zero chance. Go home and get a hobby, I recomend skating and fixing that gag reflex of yours. He likes that"

Her eyes widened as you winked at her. Sunas face was completely red and he squinted his eyes trying not to laugh. She was clearly mad and stomped away and sat down a few seets in front of you. Suna started laughing hysterically and you let out a small giggle.

"Can I get my food now?" You looked at him as he finished laughing. He reached down to get the food that he placed in between his feet. He opened the paper bag the pork buns came in. He took one of them and placed it in your hand. "I'm never doing that again by the way"

"Why not? It was so entertaining" he took a pork bun and took a bite. He took a rather large bite and chewed slowly, enjoying the taste. "I should have recorded that" he looked at you as you looked back at him.

"You wouldn't dare" you finished the last two bites of the pork bun and laid against the window. The window was really cold, causing you to get goosebumps. "I'm tired. Since we don't have a destination we can get off when we wake up"

"Are you cold?" Suna had also finished his meal and put the trash in his backpack, "you have goosebumps"

"The windows are cold" you shifted in your seat, trying to get comfortable. You closed your eyes and tried to sleep, but you were pulled out of your slumber as Suna pulled your shoulder, pulling you into him. He rested your head on hia shoulder, "what do you think you're doing?"

"Just shut up and sleep" you were too tired to argue with him, and even though you're never going to admit it, Suna was very warm and comfortable. It sounded like Suna was saying something, but you didn't hear it as you fell asleep on his shoulder.

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