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You looked in your pocked for your apartment keys

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You looked in your pocked for your apartment keys. You found them quickly and inserted them in the key hole and turned the keys, unlocking the door.

You had hello kitty keychain on your keys that you won it at a claw machine a few years back.

You took you shoes off and rolled onto your bed. You picked up your phone and checked your instagram. Your previous post had gained you 50 followers.

You felt your stomach rumble and you went to the kitchen. The frigde was a sad sight to see. It was completely empty. There wasn't anything in the pantry either.

"Did I actually forget to buy food?" You sighed and put on your shoes.

You turned off the lights and walked out the door. The keychain hit the door and made a clinging sound when you locked the door.

You where to tired to buy food for the next week so you decided to just buy some instant noodles.

The convenience store was only a 10 minute walk away from your apartment.

You arrived and the store was quiet. There was no one else in the store.

The speakers was playing your favorite song and you danced to the music. It felt like the world wasn't there and you just enjoyed yourself, maybe a little to much.

Just when the best part of the song came you stumbled on your own feet and fell face first.

The fall didn't actually hurt at all, but you didn't wanna get up so you just laid there.

You had been laying there for what felt like hours, but it was probably just a minute or two before you heard a sound. You rolled on your back and sat up.

A tall figure with black clothes stood before you with a phone in his hand.

"I'm totally posting this" Suna looked away from you and back at his phone.

"Mention me" you got up and looked at the photo, "you can't even see my face, but damn i look good" Suna laughed at your comment.

"Why where you lying on the floor anyways?" He put his phone in his pocked and walked over to the candy shelf, grabbing some packages of jelly sticks.

"I fell and didn't wanna get up" you walked to the shelf next to the boy and picked out your go to noodle flavor, "I just moved in my apartment and I kinda forgot to buy food"

"You live alone?" He looked at you and you nodded in response, "so when are you going to invite me over?"

"Eh, now?" You said as you read the price.

"Alright then" he laughed and picked out the same noodles as you, "didn't really expect that to be honest"

"We are friends after all, aren't we?" You started to walk to the cashier with Suna following you.

You both paid for your food and Suna was putting his food in his backpack. He stretched out his hand to take your food aswell.

"Alright just show me where you live" he said as he handed you his backpack.

"Why do I have to carry it?" You complained, but you still took it.

"I came here on my skateboard" he walked over to a skateboard and skated the to you even though you were only 2 meters apart from each other. "I'm giving you a piggyback ride"

"Haha, no way. We're going to fall off" you backed away a little.

"I've been skating for years, you won't fall" he crouched and instructed you to get on.

"You can't even carry me" you adjusted the backpack to fit you.

"If you think you're too heavy you're wrong" he looked at you with a reassuring smile, "I've been playing volleyball for years. Come on."

You gave in and jumped on his back. He stepped on his skateboard and started to push forward.

"You're shaking. Are you nervous?" He was right, you were nervous, "just tell me where to go and enjoy this"

The first minute was absolutely terrifying, but you quickly got used to it. Suna was right, it was fun. You felt the wind hit your face as you told Suna where to go.

You wanted to enjoy this moment forever. It felt as if all your worries just disappeared.

After 6 minutes you where at your apartment. He stepped off the skateboard and you got off his back.

"See, not so bad huh!" He took his backpack on his back and the skateboard under his arm.

"Yeah, it actually was really fun" you unlocked the door and took off your shoes, "you can put your shoes here, sorry it's not really decorated I've only lived here for 4 days"

Suna took off his shoes and placed his skateboard next to them. He walked inside and sat down while you went to boil the water.

You sat next to him as he reached in his backpack for the jelly sticks. He took a green one and started to eat one.

"You want one?" He handed you a red one and you took it without saying a word, "a thank you would have been nice you know"

"Thank you" you stood up and walked to the kitchen, "I'm gonna go prepare the noodles wait a few minutes"

"Thank you" you stood up and walked to the kitchen, "I'm gonna go prepare the noodles wait a few minutes"

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