♡ 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟷𝟺 ♡

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"You know when someone loves another, they appear perfect to the one in love?" Suna sat down beside you and looked you right in your eyes

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"You know when someone loves another, they appear perfect to the one in love?" Suna sat down beside you and looked you right in your eyes. You noticed a small smile on his lips as he spoke. "All of their flaws are gone"

"You came all this way to tell me a fun fact?" You said while standing up to go inside, but Suna sure took his sweet time. He let out a heavy sigh followed by excited laughter.

"No, if course not" He walked in before you and opened the door for you, "I'm at 95k followers bow, right?" He kept talking as he took off his worn-out shoes and placed them neatly against the wall.

"Right" you requested him to continue his sentence.

"I just posted a new picture and I'm going to hit 100k any moment now" he looked so excited that you couldn't help but smile. You put on your natural face as soon as he looked at you of course.

"How can you be so sure?" You gave him a doubtful look, "even if it was true, why did you come here?"

"Multiple reasons. First of all, because I wanted to celebrate and grant your request. Second of all" Suna took a slight pause before he continued talking, "After this, we'll go back to being strangers" that's right. You made that stupid promise because you thought it would make it easier to let go, but no. Suna looked a little down. Neither of you wanted this to end.

Suna sat down on your couch and so did you. He pulled you in and took out his phone. He was warm besides just being outside. He felt safe and warm. He felt like home. You looked at his phone as he opened Instagram. The first thing you noticed was how many private messages he had. All of them were flirty text messages from very pretty girls, yet he never opened even one of them. You only got a glance at those messages when Suna clicked on his profile.

"96k followers now" He looked at you with a big smile, yet sad eyes. Were his eyes always like this? No, he smiled all the time. Are we both ready to leave this and each other behind? Watching as the numbers went up was both nerve-wracking and exciting.

"97k" You spoke softly. The tension was almost too much for you to handle. It was quiet. You only spoke when a milestone was hit.

"98k now" Suna almost whispered. You scooted yourself closer to him, enjoying his warmth. Suna responded to your actions by resting his on yours. You were almost laying on him so it didn't matter if you were tall or not.

"99k" your throat started to hurt and your vision became blurry.


No one said anything. Suna turned to look at you with a smile, but it quickly dissapared when he saw your tears running down your cheeks. You didn't make any sound, yet your cries were so loud. Why are you crying? You should be happy for him, but still, you felt a tear disappear in the corner of your mouth.

"Y/n, is something wrong?" Suna placed his hand on your cheek and wiped the tears away as they left your bloodshot eyes.

"No, I'm just so happy for you!" you shook your head, "no that's not it" you took a deep breath and held back your tears. Suna's magical eyes met yours. He had this look of comfort in his eyes, and you could feel yourself calm down by just looking at them.

"Then what is it?" it was no doubt, he was really worried. Suna took your hands and held them tight, comforting you.

"I know what I want in return" Your tears had completely stopped by now and you felt a sudden rush of happiness.

"What is it?" You removed your hands from his grip as he spoke and placed them on the couch, lifting you up. You threw yourself on top of him and kissed him. Suna was very surprised, but he quickly gave in. It was a gentle and comforting kiss, but you pulled away after 30 seconds.

"I wanna be your girlfriend. For real this time" Your eyes met his and you could see his smile. He pulled you into his chest for a hug. As you two hugged he whispered the words you'll never forget.

"To me you're perfect"

"To me you're perfect"

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A race to 100k Suna x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now