♡ 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟻 ♡

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You both probably only got 10 minutes of sleep before your phones started to ding like crazy, waking you up

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You both probably only got 10 minutes of sleep before your phones started to ding like crazy, waking you up.

"Turn off your phone Y/n" Suna sat up checking his phone as you turned off yours, "I gained 7k followers and you gained 2k!"

"How, why?" You mumbled while still trying to sleep.

"The piss hair twin took a photo off us and tagged us" Suna tried showing his phone in your face, but you wifted it away with your hand.

"Yeah, thats cool and all, but it's still 30 minutes before class, go to sleep again" you rolled around trying to get comfortable on the concrete floor.

"I can't sleep now I'm too excited!" Suna moved to the corner, "I'll wake you up when we have to go, okay? I wont make a sound"

"You better not" you still weren't comfortable so you crawled to Suna and laid your head in his lap, "don't get the wrong idea, Suna. I don't want a neck pain"

"Yeah, yeah" Suna teased you a little before going back to whatever he was doing on his phone.

You felt safe and comfortable in his lap so you quickly fell asleep to his fingers tapping his screen.

Y/n's breathing seemed so peaceful, hell, everything about her seemed so peaceful right now. She was laying comfortably in his lap. To be honest it was a nice feeling to have someone trust you that way.

He quickly opened instagram, snapped a picture and posted it. He had a theory he wanted to try.

He scrolled trough his instagram feed waiting to wake you up.

It had been 25 minutes already and he decided to wake you up.

"Get up sleepyhead" he slightly shook your body, "Y/n we have class"

"Yeah, whatever, I'm up" you slowly stood up, "thanks Suna"

"Yeah, it was nothing" he followed you into the classroom and sat at his desk, "we have math now. The math teacher is such a bitch"

You laughed at his comment only thinking he was joking, but soon enough you realized he wasn't. The teacher yelled at everyone who didn't get the question right. He yelled at you about 7 times so you just laid your head down, hiding from the embarrassment.

The teacher went out of the classroom to go pee or something so you tapped Suna's shoulder.

"I'm going to fall asleep here" you grabbed your things and stood up, "you coming?"

"Say less. I brought my board" he also grabbed his things.

"Yay!" You shouted in excitement as you ran outside with Suna right behind you. You could've sworn you heard the teacher yell at you.

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A race to 100k Suna x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now