♡ 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟷𝟷 ♡

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It only lasted for 2 seconds, yet it was the best seconds of your life

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It only lasted for 2 seconds, yet it was the best seconds of your life. When you both pulled away reality hit. Your old friends was looking at you in disgust, while the audience was screaming that you're not good enough for him. Tears flooded your eyes and started running down your cheeks. Suna tried to wipe them away, but you pulled away.

"Why?" Your voice broke and you turned around, walked out of the stadium. You wiped away your own tears, but they kept coming.

Suna's fan girls had made their way out before you. Some of them were very respectful and was happy for you, but majority wasn't. They kept ranting about how you would only make him unhappy.

'We're not really dating, so why does theese comments get to me?' You started running to your apartment. With shaking hands you unlocked the door and ran inside. You threw your stuff on the floor before going to your room.

It was as if the bed was pulling you in and you followed. You screamed into your pillow, trying to make the pain go away. You could feel a panic attack building up. You couldn't remember the last time you felt this way. And the worst thing? The worst thing was that you didn't know why you were crying this much.

You wish you could cry more, but your eyes were completely dry. You were to exhausted to cry more. Even though you had stopped crying, you still didn't feel any better. You remembered that taped under your bed you had a bag off weed. You swore to never smoke it, but it seemed like the only option.

You reached under your bed and took the bag with your right arm. You placed it on your bed that was stained with mascara and got up. You looked around your room for some paper. You finally found some in your desk drawer. You rolled up the weed and got your lighter.

«I hate everyone!" You kept screaming that sentence while you lit the blunt. You watched it burn for a few seconds before bringing it to your mouth.

"Do you hate me?" A soft voice called you down immediately. You were so lost in your thoughts and tears, you didn't notice Suna standing at the door. His question took over your thoughts.

Did you really hate him?

"No" your voice was sore and quiet from crying. Suna came closer and say down besides you, "and I hate myself for not hating you"

"Why would you wanna hate me?" He snatched the blunt and put it aside.

"You tell me not to fall in love with you, yet you kiss me" your eyes started watering again, "I have all right to hate you, yet I don't"

"Did you fall in love with me?" Suna grabbed your face making you look at him.

"No, but if this keeps up I might" those words felt so good to finally get off your chest. Suna sighed. You didn't know if it was off relief or disappointment.

"You dont have to continue "dating" me" he looked worried at you.

"No I owe you" you forced a smile on your lips. Tears rolling down your cheek.

"What do mean you owe me?" His hands wiped away your tears.

"After the world turned on me you're still here" as you spoke that sentence your smile grew, showing your teeth.

"You're my friend of course i'm still here" he was right, you were friends. Suna stood up and grabbed his phone from his right pocket. "Let's take some instagram pictures shall we?"

Was he really there, in your room, comforting you, because he was your friend or did he just need followers?

Was he really there, in your room, comforting you, because he was your friend or did he just need followers?

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