♡ 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟷𝟸 ♡

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                                  ☆ 𝚗𝚜𝚏𝚠 ☆                             ☽ 𝚝𝚠: 𝚊𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚑𝚘𝚕 ☽

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                                  ☆ 𝚗𝚜𝚏𝚠 ☆
                             ☽ 𝚝𝚠: 𝚊𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚑𝚘𝚕 ☽

It's been about two months since you and Suna started this dating thing. Aside from a few small kisses on your cheek in public and holding your hand as soon as someone is looking at you two, your relationship with Suna hasn't been anything, but just friends. You were currently sitting in Sunas car on your way to your first party. Suna was always invited to parties so it was nothing new, but this time he managed to drag you with him.

"Hey Suna-" you spoke before being cut off by a voice from the seat besides you, driving the car.

"Rin" you looked at the man with a confused expression on your face. He looked at the road, then he looked at you before he looked back at the road, "for you it's Rin"

"Thats not even your real name?" The dark haired boy let out a sigh before laughing for a short period of time, "what's so funny?"

"It's a nickname stupid. I figured you were the lazy type so the shorter the name the better" he closed his eyes for a second and smiled with his teeth, "we're close enough friends to that right? Maybe I should give you a nickname?"

Yeah maybe you should.

"No it's okay, just call me Y/n" those words came out of your mouth without you thinking first.

A nickname would have been cute. Maybe something like bunny or...


"Anyways, what did you wanna say before I so rudely interrupted you" Suna stared at you in curiosity, waiting for you to start talking.

"I was gonna ask you to drop me off so I can go home" the fox eyed boy stopped the car and looked at you with an expression saying, 'you're joking right?'. "I really don't like parties. There's too much noise and you know, people. And when I first start drinking I can't stop till I'm drunk"

"Too bad we're already here" you didn't notice the fact that Suna had parked in the driveway and was now on his way around the car to open your door. He grabbed your hand and dragged you inside.

When you both got inside some guys immediately called for Suna and he left you. Suna just left you there all alone, with no people you knew and no place to be. You went to find the living room and stood awkwardly in a corner.

The couch was occupied by two women making out. You saw man slip something in a girls drink without her knowing. Luckily for her the party host notified her and kicked the man out. The music was so loud you were almost certain you'd go deaf. The scenery was too much for you to take so you turned around, facing the wall. You tried your best to clear your head, but were quickly interrupted by two muscular arms around you.

"Hmmm~" Suna hummed into your ear. He took his hand on your neck and pressed his index finger on your jaw to make you face him. His eyes were blood red and his cheeks were flushed. There was no doubt about it, he had been smoking and drinking. You got lost in his beautiful eyes. "Fuck I could stare at your beautiful eyes for eternity Y/n" Suna smiled and blinked slowly.

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