♡ 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟿 ♡

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"Y/n! Y/n" you heard a muffled voice say your name

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"Y/n! Y/n" you heard a muffled voice say your name. You couldn't hear who it was, you were still asleep, but it was a manly and deep voice. He said your name voice so soft, you could listen to it forever, "Y/n we're getting off here" the voice became clearer as Suna slightly shook you. You open your eyes and leaned away from his shoulder. His eyes met yours and you both stared at each other for a hot second before you turn to look out the window.

"Why are we getting off here" you looked from the window to the dark-haired boy, "we're in the middle of nowhere". You were right, you were in a forest. Trees as long as the eyes could see, but it was dark by now so you couldn't see far.

"That's the point" he stood up, bent down, took his backpack, and swung it over his shoulder. You got up after him and walked behind him to the closet doors, waiting for them to open. When they finally did Suna got off first. It was a small gap between the stairs and the small, concrete platform. Suna successfully got off and struck his hand out, offering to help you.

"I can do it myself" you said, rejecting his offer. You got off and the train started moving immediately, making you feel a cold wind in your neck. "Suna, it's 2 am, it's cold, and there's no sign of life whats so ever, where are you planning to sleep?"

"I don't know. There's an abandoned road on the other side" Suna quickly picked up his skateboard and ran to the road before putting it down again. "Let's skate till we find a place to sleep!" Suna yelled as he waved you over and you quickly obeyed.

You did exactly as he said. It felt fantastic, skating at night with trees surrounding you. It was just you and Suna in the middle of the night, skating. It was like a teenage dream. You felt the cold wind sting your face, but it didn't bother you at all, all that mattered was you, Suna, and your boards. You had practiced as Suna said, and you didn't fall behind. Suna was in front of you, but he would often turn around and crack a smile at you, and you would smile back.

It ended quicker than you expected when you found a rundown, abounded building. It had graffiti and markers all over the walls.

"Great we're staying here!" Suna stopped skating, placed one foot on his skateboard and placed his hands on his hips. He looked like someone who had just won a big fight and were standing proud over his victim. He looked really stupid, but it waa really cute too. You quickly snapped back to reality.

"Yeah, no way" you stood beside him and started at the run down building, "I'll catch like seven different diseases, Suna"

"Sounds like a you problem" he laughed and went inside. The door was small ao he had to bend down to not hit his head. It was pitch black, so you lost sight of him as soon as he went inside till he lit his lighter. "Come in! Don't tell me you're scared" Suna was mocking you into coming in, and it worked.

"Suna you little bitch" you stomped in and found the cleanest corner, "this is my corner". You put a blanket that you packed out of your backpack and laid it down for you to sit on. You didn't even get to sit in peace for 20 seconds before suna laid down beside you and put his head down in your lap. "Suna what the fuck are you doing?" The boy hummed in your lap in response, "don't tell you you're enjoying this"

"I'm tired, plus you have a favor to return" Suna was referring to the time you fell asleep in his lap at school , "and what if I enjoy spending time with you?"

He was right, even though you weren't really dating, you weren't enemies. You were actually really close friends, and to be honest you really enjoyed his presence too. Not in a romantic way, but as friends.


You woke up to the sound of rain hitting the roof. You had slid down from your sitting position and were now facing the wall. It was extremely cold, you you felt warm. It took you a minute or two to fully understand the situation. Suna had his arms around you and were spooning you.

It felt so wrong at first, but his warmth was so right. You felt safe in his arms.

"Good morning" Suna spoke in your neck, giving you goosebumps all the way down your spine, "don't move"

"Suna what are you doing" you tried to move, but he held you tighter.

"I'm trying not to freeze to death" Suna's morning voice was literally the best. It was a blessing to your ears, "fine fine. I'll get up". The dark haired boy sat up and stared to pack his things.

"Can we go home?" You also started to pack your things and went to brush your teeth, "I miss my bed"

"Yeah, we'll leave as soon as possible, but you're not skating?" Suna started to brush his teeth beside you. He bent down and spat. Why is everything about this man so attractive? You gave him a confused look to his sentence. "It's raining so it's slippery. You're gonna fall with your skill"

"Fine, but I don't want to get to wet" you had both finished brushing your teeth and were standing outside in the rain. The boy beside you grabbed your hand and you both started running.

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