♡ 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟷𝟶 ♡

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You sat on the train next to fox eyed boy, both soaking wet and shivering cold from the heavy rain

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You sat on the train next to fox eyed boy, both soaking wet and shivering cold from the heavy rain. This tima Suna took his revenge on you, pushing you aside and taking the window seat. You hit your hip in the armrest, that's gonna leave a bruise. Now you were on your phone looking at both yours and Suna's Instagram profile. Suna had gained another 3.7k and you 1.8k.

"Hey Y/n? About this dating situation" Suna looked at you as you turned your attention on him, "please don't actually fall in love with me"

"I wasn't planning on it?" You were genuinely confused as of why he had asked you this question, "why are you telling me this?"

"Nothing really" he looked up and you saw his adam apple, "it'll hurt less when we break up"

"Awh Suna" you smirked as he turned his head back at you, "do you really care for me that much" you fluttered your lashes and gave him puppy dog eyes. As soon as he opened his mouth to say something back, his phone rang. He picked it up and read who it was. When be did his eyes widened.

"Hey, Kita!" He tried his best to hide the fear in his voice, "why are you calling me?" His eyes widened even more for every sentence the man on the other line said. You couldn't make out any words, but you could tell the man was pissed. "A match today?" Suna laughed nervously, «funny story. You see kite, I'm on a train 5 hours away" the man sounded more disappointed at this point. He kept ranting about something and Suna let out small yes's as response before he hung up.

"So I kinda forgot something" he covered his face with his hands and let out a sigh.

"What did you forget?" You removed his hands from his face, making him look at you, "it sounded important"

"I have a volleyball ball match later tonight" he let out a nervous chuckle, "I'll make it just in time, but I won't have any time to make sure you get home safe"

"I can get home by myself, Suna" you informed him. You weren't a little kid anymore.

"Yeah I know, but what if something happens to you?" He gave you puppy eyes before continuing, "I need the followers"

"Wow, you only see me as a way to attract followers?" You said in a sarcastic tone, but that sentence made your stomach sink a little. You didn't know why. You said yes to this deal, plus you're getting something in return too. Suna only laughed.

"You're coming to my game" he smiled soft at you, making you forget about your thoughts, "its against Karasuno" you felt excitement rush trough your whole body as you heard that name.

"Oh! Karasuno is my old school" you couldn't help but smile, you really wanted to see them again, "my best friend is the manager so I hung out with them a lot. I know all their moves! Here let me show you!" Suna nodded as you explained. You couldn't wait to see your old friends.


You both got off the train and ran to the stadium. The rain had stopped at this point, but you both ran as your lives depended on it. You made it just in time for warm ups. Suna waved goodbye to you and you went to sit among the audience.

You got a place at the front row and your eyes glanced over the court. Your eyes landed on Suna for a bit, but quickly went over to your old friends. You were so happy to see them, but your smile quickly disappeared when you noticed something was off. They all looked the same, but they seemed... happier.

Of course you were happy they were happy, but why were they never this happy when you were around? Karasuno looked at the audience and their eyes quickly met yours. Their smile faded as all of them continued to stare at you, and that was when you realized, you were the problem.

It was a close match with Inarizaki winning in the end, but you didn't pay attention at all. Your thoughts was filled with self doubt as how you weren't perfect. What did you do wrong?

"Y/n!" Suna quickly dragged you out of your mind when he yelled from the court. He waved his hand signaling you to come down, and you obeyed. You got down facing him. You looked down, not wanting to make eye contact, "hey, Y/n, whats wrong" the dark haired boy grabbed your face, forcing you to look at him. You could feel your eyes get watery as you looked at the other team, then back at Suna. Suna understood the problem immediately.

You were on the egde off a panic attack before Suna stopped it. Your lips met his and he still held your face. Your eyes widened. He pulled back and smiled softly at you.

"Kiss me back" he whispered, and you did exactly that. Your lips meeting his as you both closed your eyes. The boy who told you not to fall in love with him was now kissing you.

Nothing else mattered in this moment. Just you and him. It was as all your worries was lifted off you. You pulled back and met his perfect eyes.

 You pulled back and met his perfect eyes

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