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"Hello?" I hear Emma's voice when she answers.

"Hi, Emma. It's Jungkook. We have talked to everyone and management would like you to come down so we can talk. We can send a car to pick you up. We will be here waiting for you."

"Yes. A car would be great. I'll wait out front of my apartment. See you shortly." She says. She gives me the address and I make sure that one of our drivers go pick her up.

I walk back into the room with PD, Tae and Namjoon. PD asks if we really like her. Of course we do. We explain to him how much we do and how her personality is and he thinks we will all get along great. We know that this will be a little complicated. Now we just have to wait for her to get here before we continue our conversation.

Half an hour later, there is a timid knock on the door. I rush to answer it. There is Emma looking beautiful.

PD stands when she enters the room. "Please come in and have a seat. It's wonderful to meet you."

"Thank you." She says and then chooses the seat between me and Taehyung.

We each reach out and grab her hands. "Relax." Taehyung says as we can feel how tense she is.

She takes a deep breath and looks at PD.

"First, I would like to say welcome to the family. Second, there are several things we need to discuss." PD says.

"Okay." She says and then waits, squeezing my hand slightly. I give her a reassuring smile.

"For obvious reasons, we would like to keep this quiet and not tell anyone. You having two soulmates is rare enough and having both of them be in BTS would cause a full on circus to erupt and you. Have you told anyone?"

"I told my two coworkers who are also my best friends. I already know they won't tell anyone but I did specifically ask them to keep it quiet and not even to tell their soulmates."

PD nods. "That's fine. As you know, the rest of the guys have soulmates already and you are the last to be added. All the ladies live with the guys. I'm sure you would like to discuss with the guys if you would like that to happen for you all. All aspects of your relationships are between you guys. Only the public is my decision. If you so decide to move in, we will of course pay out your release for where you are living and make arrangements for any furniture or roommates you may have. Now, I will give you guys a while to discuss some things and then we will continue."

With that, he walks out the door. Namjoon stands up and walks over to greet her. She releases my hand to shake his.

"It's very nice to meet you, Emma. I'm sure you will get along with everyone and I echo PD. Welcome to the family."

"It's very nice to meet you as well. Thank you for the welcome."

Namjoon leaves and we turn to look at Emma.

"So, I know moving in will be fast but with our schedule, it may be the fastest way to get to know you and get you acquainted with everyone else. We are not rushing into anything. If you want to wait, we can, but we may not be able to come around often. Nothing in our relationship will be rushed. We have a lifetime together." Taehyung says.

"Of course. I think it will be ok to move in. Honestly, I'm not sure how fast or slow everything should go. I've never even been on a date so I don't know how things are suppose to be."

"You've never been on a date? How? You are beautiful. You should have guys falling over themselves trying to get you to go out with them." I say, shocked.

"Well, I didn't say I've never been asked out. I'm also not saying that guys are falling over each to get to me, but I have been asked out on occasion but I wanted to save everything for my soulmate. I wanted all my first to be with them."

We are shocked into silence for a few moments. Taehyung breaks it a few minutes later.

"We are happy that all your firsts will be with us. We promise to take good care of you."

After talking a little about the others and how the living arrangements are right now and how things will be a little when she moves it, we call the other two back in so we can continue.

"Emma has agreed to move in. She will need her lease paid out since she still have 4 months left on it. We will need a team to get her things moved and a storage unit for the other things."

"Ok. That can be arranged. How soon would you like to move in?"

Before she can answer, I take over. "We need it to be immediate. We leave for Canada in two weeks and we would like her to able to come with us and also get to know everyone and get to know the house."

"We can get started moving things tomorrow. Please remember that you guys cannot help with that. Emma you need to pack some bags and get your necessities ready. I know this is a lot to take in and moving really fast but unfortunately, it's how it has to be. Once you get settled in, things will be easier and then they will crazy again with all the touring and other promotions that need to be done. You'll get use to it. Promise and you'll have the other ladies and guys to help with anything you may need."

She takes a deep breath and it sounds a little shaky. I squeeze her hand and try to make her feel a little better. "I know this is a lot but Tae and I will try to make it ok for you."

"Okay." She says.

"Okay. Nothing can be done. I suggest we all go home and get ready for tomorrow. Emma needs to go home and get ready and pack and get some sleep and you guys need to go home and get the house ready for her and to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a busy busy day."

We all stand  together and walk to the door. Before we go outside, we tell her goodbye since we can't ride together. I give her a hug and kiss the side of her head. Taehyung gives her a hug as well and kisses her forehead.

We head out to our vehicle that out front and one of security takes Emma down to the underground parking area so no one knows who she is or why she was here.

"I'm so excited that she is coming to stay with us." I say to Tae.

"Yeah, but you do realize that you and I will most likely be sharing a room so that she can have her own space, right? She can have your room since it's slightly smaller and there will be two of us to share. I know more than likely, soon in the future we will have to find a bigger home, but until then we can share."

"That's fine. I will move some of my stuff tonight. I will sleep there tonight and make sure that fresh sheets and bedding is replaced in the morning. All my computer equipment and such has to stay. I hope she won't mind."

"Okay, well, let's go inform everything that we will have a new roommate and get things started so that we are ready for tomorrow." Namjoon says as we pull up to the house.

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