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We arrive at the airport in Japan late in the evening. Poor Emma looks like she is about to fall over while we make our way toward the exit. I want to be able to hold her and keep her warm while we are in public but I know I can't. I can love on Tae but that wouldn't be fair to Emma.

Once we make it to out to the cars, we relax once we see all the girls in the car. It's easier here because the fans are more reserved. The airport in Seoul was scary.

At the hotel, we all get our room keys. Tae, Emma and I of course will be sharing a room. The whole floor for our rooms is rented out by staff so we don't really have to worry about random people wandering down. Especially with security discreetly guarding near the elevators and stairs.

Emma is propped against Tae as they wait for me to unlock the door. I open it and grab Emma's bag for her as she zombie walks to the bed.

"Emma babe, you need to go brush your teeth and freshen up and change clothes before sleeping." Tae says as he rummages through her bag for pajamas and I grab her toiletry bag.

Walking over, I grab her hand and pull her to a sitting position.

"Kookie! I just wanna sleep!" She whines and leans her head against my stomach as I stand next to the bed.

"I know baby, but you'll be more relaxed once its all done. Plus we get to sleep in in the morning. Come on, I'll shower with you."

We walk into the bathroom, which is huge, and I start the shower. We both strip and I push her into the shower first so the water is on her. She hums and leans her head back.

"You were right. This is nice."

She smiles at me after she lifts her head.

I grab the shampoo and lather it in my hands before running them through her hair. I wash her hair and then add conditioner before soaping my hands and cleaning her. I got rather caught up and she starts to moan as my hands glide over her.

"I thought you guys were washing." Tae says walking into the room and striping.

"What can I say? When I have my hands on our beautiful soulmate, I can't help myself." I say winking at him.

He joins us in the shower and we sandwich Emma between the two of us. Our hands are everywhere as are hers. This relaxing shower has quickly escalated into heated passion.

Tae has her hair pulled to the side as he kisses her neck. I run my hands up her stomach and palm her breasts. Her hands are behind her back as she touches Tae and she grinds forward on me.

I wrap my arms around her and lift her to me. She is perfectly positioned to slide into her, which I do. We both moan at the feeling. Tae stays behind her and grind into her ass. I can't wait til the day we can both be with her at the same time. I detach my mouth from hers and lean more toward him. We make out over her shoulder.

I lower her feet to the floor and turn her around where she faces the wall. I slide back into her from behind. Tae stands back and watches while stroking himself.

"I'm close, baby. Please!" Emma moans.

I bend my legs a little more so I can get more leverage and pound into her savagely. It's not long before she detonates around me. I groan loudly and let her ride it out. When I can't take it anymore, I pull out. I'm about to stroke myself when suddenly my cock is engulfed in warmth. I look down and Tae has his lips wrapped around me. The lust in his eyes is too much and I cum in his mouth. He smiles as he swallows it all.

I'm about to reach for him when he just shakes his head.

"What do you mean, babe? I wanna help you too." I say.

"No need. I'm done." He says motioning to his softening dick. Apparently, he came when Emma did.

"Can we get out now?" Emma whispers leaning against the shower wall.

"Aw. Of course baby. Let me clean you up really quick and you can go get in the bed." Tae says grabbing the soap.

He cleans her quickly and she gets out and wraps a towel around her and goes to the sink to brush her teeth. Once she is done, she goes to the bedroom to get ready for bed. Tae and I wash quickly and brush our teeth before entering the room. We immediately start laughing.

Emma is on the bed, with just her panties on and one arm in the sleeve of her shirt and she is knocked out. Poor thing is exhausted. She was already so tired and we just made it worse in the shower. Tae and I pull on our boxers and walk over to the bed to help her finish.

Instead of putting on her sweat pants that Tae picked out, we opt for the just the oversized t-shirt she has her arm through. We finish putting it on her and she doesn't even open her eyes. We settle her between us and we snuggle after turning off the light and drift into a deep dreamless sleep.

The next morning, I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling, trying to will myself to get up. I look over and see that both Emma and Tae are no longer in bed. I sit up and grab my phone and see a text from Emma.

"I'm getting breakfast. Send me what you and Tae want."- Emma

Right around that time, Tae comes out of the bathroom. He plops back down on the bed.

"Where's our girl?" He asks.

"Getting breakfast. She wants to know what we want." I tell him.

We give her our orders and watch TV until she comes back. We sit and watch TV and talk until it's time to go to rehearsals.

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