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I was shocked by what I was told about the doctor. I am glad the guys came in before anything happened.

They decided to have the new doctor see me in the living room. Yes she is a woman but after what happened with the other doctor, they didn't want to take any chances.

All the guys aside from mine, left the room. The girls stayed to show moral support. We didn't have to worry about the doctor saying anything before she had to sign a confidentiality agreement before she got here.

She examined my leg and checked my sides. She asked me about my pain and how many times a day I was taking the pain pills. She told me that I should only take them when I needed them but otherwise I was healing perfectly. It would take some time before we could remove my cast.

I ask everyone to leave the room for a moment, while I spoke to the doctor.

"What did you need Emma?" The doctor asks with a smile.

"Um, this is a little embarrassing. When can we, you know, be intimate again?"

The doctor laughs. "You can be intimate when you feel up to it. Just remember to be careful. Nothing rough."

I smile and nod. She walks to the door to let everyone know it is ok to come back in and Tae walks her to the door.

"What did you want to talk to her about?" Jungkook whispers.

"Nothing important." I say with a smile.

He lets it go and we put on a movie. I motion for Kristi to come over to me when I catch her eye.

"Whats up?" She whispers.

"Can you guys help me with something later? The doctor said that we could be intimate but I want to surprise the guys but I need help setting things up." I say quietly, seeing Jungkook trying to listen to watch we are saying.

"Sure thing girl." She says and walks off whispering to each girl as she passes them.

When the movie ends, I ask my guys to take me upstairs. They help me shower. Once I am in the room with the towel wrapped around me, I shoo them away and call for the girls to come in.

All the girls file into the room as Tae and JK stand in the hall and pout.

"Go find something to do for a little while." I say as Jimin shuts the door.

Soomin opens up my underwear drawer and pulls out a new lingerie set that I bought shortly after the guys left for their tour. As she helps me put it on, the other girls run around the room, lighting candles and grabbing my lotion that the guys like.

Once everything is done, they help me get settled on the bed.

"Good luck." They all say with a giggle.

I lay on the bed for a few minutes before sending a text to both my guys. I tell them that I need them immediately in the room. That its important.

A few seconds later, the door bursts open and both my guys stand there, staring at me.

"What...." They both stop whatever they were going to say and just look at me.

"Are you two going to stand there all day and stare or are you going to come over here and make me feel good?" I cringe a little after saying that.

Immediately, they make their way towards me. They strip down to their boxers and climb on the bed.

"Emma, is this what you were talking to the doctor about?" Jungkook asks.

"Yes. I wanted to make sure that we could be together again. I've missed you guys and I know you wouldn't touch me unless she said we would and she did. We just can't be rough and I can't take you both at the same time."

"Oh, God! I missed you so much." Taehyung says as he attacks my neck.

Jungkook is behind me, lips attached there. I feel his hands slide around my front and cup my breasts and my breath hitches when he pinches my nipples lightly. Tae has his hands sliding up my thighs to my waist.

Tae lays me down and very lightly slides his hands over my stomach. He is careful not to push down at all.

Suddenly, my face is turned and Jungkook's mouth covers mine. As he kisses me, Tae is on my neck, sucking just hard enough to mark me. Jungkook's hands are still kneading my breasts and his fingers are flicking my nipples.

Tae continues his slide down with his mouth, sucking on my collar bone. Jungkook is in my ear whispering and sending shivers down my body.

"You want us, baby girl? Is Tae making you feel good with his mouth? You like our mouths on you?" He whispers just as Tae takes my nipple in his mouth.

Slowly Jungkook slides off the panties that match the lingerie top. Once its, off, his mouth is where I want it most. He plants himself between my legs and works me over with his tongue. Tae slides off the top and takes his time with both my nipples. While his mouth works one, his hands teases the other.

I'm panting and needing more but I know that they are going to make sure that I am good and ready and worked up enough to take whoever decides to take me.

Jungkook sits up and somewhere along the way, he lost his boxers. He positions himself on his knees between my legs, careful not to move my leg too much. He pumps himself a few times and lines himself up. Tae distracts me momentarily by kissing me. I gasp and groan as Jungkook enters me.

"Oh, God! Baby! I need you much! You feel so good!" I yell out, unable to be quiet.

"Baby girl, you have no idea how good you feel." He grunts.

Taehyung leaves my mouth to lean up and kiss Jungkook. I groan because, man I love to see them together. I can't wait for the day that they fuck each other.

Jungkook picks up his pace a little and I look at Tae. My eyes slide down and I lick my lips. He smirks and slides his boxers down and moves towards me. I open my mouth and he slides himself inside.

I hollow my cheeks and suck. I watch him and see his eyes roll back. I slide my eyes over to Jungkook and see him watch Tae's cock disappear and reappear from my mouth as he pounds into me.

The things Jungkook can do with his hips should be illegal. I moan almost constantly which in turn makes both guys groan.

I pop off of Taehyung and say, "I'm close baby!"

"So am I baby girl. Come with me."

I explode around him as Tae cums in my mouth. I show him my mouth and swallow. I choke slightly as Jungkook cums inside me.

"Kook!" I yell, shocked.

"What? You're on birth control. It's not the first time I came in you."

"But baby. I've been on antibiotics. Those can cancel out birth control." I explain.

Shocked, he quickly pulls out.

We all sit and stare at one another, shocked out of our post-sex haze.

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