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A couple of weeks go by and all the guys are finally back at work and the girls are coming back tomorrow. Kristi and I have been tag teaming the baby during the day. The day after tomorrow I go back to the doctor to hopefully have the cast removed. I haven't told the guys that my appointment is tomorrow. I am hoping that the cast will come off and it will be better for me getting around and that I will be able to surprise them at the company building.

Soomin comes into my room after the guys leave for work, two days later and asks if I am ready to go. I nod and we get in the car and head to the doctor.

"How are we feeling Emma?" The doctor asks.

"I feel good. It's been easier for me to get around by myself. I haven't needed to take any of the pain killers in a while. I am ready to get this stupid thing off my leg." I say, smiling at her.

"Well, lets get some xrays and see how everything looks."

She takes me to the radiology suite and the xrays are taken. I get back to the room and hang out with Soomin while we wait for the doctor to come back. After a little while, she comes back into the room.

"Well, today is good news. We will remove the cast today. Looks like you are healing perfectly." She says smiling brightly at me.

"Finally!" I say.

We go through the process of removing the cast and my leg feels so weird after being covered for so long. Once it's off, I slowly bend my leg. It's sore and stiff.

"You will have to work on some exercises to help with the stiffness and aches. As long as you work on it continuously, the stiffness and aches will go away." She says as she watches me flex my legs.

She helps me walk around the room a couple of times before she lets me do it alone. When she is confident that I won't fall, she tells us we can leave.

Once we are in the car, Soomin turns to me.

"So, I know you are happy to have that thing off your leg. Are you still wanting to go by the company to surprise the guys?"

"Yes. Definitely. I can only imagine what their faces will look like when they see me actually walk in."

She laughs. "I know you are excited to surprise them, but please let me help you at least walk through the building. When we get to the practice room, which is where Jimin said they would be today, you can walk alone."

I agree with her and when we pull into the parking deck, I sit like a good girl and wait for her to help me out the car. She grabs my hand and puts her other arm around my waist while we walk inside. We walk through the whole building like that until we get to the elevator. When we enter the elevator, she releases me and lets me stand on my own. Once she realizes that I am ok to stand alone, she steps back.

The elevator eventually reaches the floor that has the practice room, and we step out. My steps alone are a little shaky at first then get steadier the further we move down the hallway. We hear the music coming from the room as we get closer. Soomin steps in front of me and opens the door. She walks in with me behind her. We aren't immediately noticed. We move to some chairs, that are off to the side and sit to watch.

The song ends and the boys turn to walk to their towels and water, that are on the same side of the room where we are sitting, and freeze. I look at my guys, and their eyes are so wide, they might actually pop out of their head. I laugh and stand up. Slowly, I walk towards my guys. I pass all their smiling faces as I make my way to Tae and JK.

I stand in front of their still frozen faces and smile.

"Hi."  I say softly.

Tae's boxy smile pops out and I lean forward and kiss his lips. "Hello, beautiful."

I look towards Jungkook and he still looks stunned. I turn towards him and poke his cheek softly.

"Are you okay, baby?"

He shakes his head lightly and finally looks me in the face. He smiles at me.

Suddenly, I'm being spun around in the air. Thankfully, its in Jungkook's arms. I pull back and look at his face. His bunny smile is on full display.

"Why didn't you tell us you were going to the doctor today?" He asks as he sets me gently back on the ground.

"I wanted to surprise you. I had Soomin take me. I was hoping she would take the cast off and if she did, I wanted to see your reaction." I say.

"Well, we are definitely surprised." Tae says.

"Guys! I think we can be done for the day. We can order in and spend the night watching movies or something." Namjoon says.

We all head out and I walk alone but definitely slower than everyone else. My guys stay right next to me.

We take a seperate car and head back to the house. During the ride, Jungkook can't seem to keep his hands off my newly uncovered leg. He rubs his hand up and down my thigh throughout the entire ride.

When we arrive at home, and I attempt to get out the car alone, but my hip buckles and I land back in my seat. I let out a surprised squeak and both guys are running back to the car so fast, you'd think they never walked a few feet away.

Jungkook reaches me first. "Baby? Are you okay?"

"Babe, I'm fine. I haven't tried to get out the car alone yet and my hip isn't strong enough yet." I say as he helps me out of the car.

We walk inside and we make our way to the our room. I make it only about 4 steps before my hip says no. I stop and lean against the railing.

"What's up, Emma?" Tae says as he stops beside me.

"I don't think I can go up any further alone. My hip won't lift me. It's too weak." I say.

He wraps his arm around me and though it looks like I am walking, he actually is lifting me lightly off the ground. We make it to the room and I sit on the edge of the bed. I sigh and lay back.

"You okay?" Jungkook asks sitting beside me.

"Yeah. Its just a lot more taxing moving around than I thought it would be."

"Not a problem, baby. I can carry you down to the living room for dinner and movies and carry you back up for bed."

I smile up at him and nod.

Tae comes back in shortly to let us know that everyone is waiting for us down stairs.

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