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The next morning, I notice that JK and Tae are extra clingy to one another. They constantly touch throughout the day and, though they are still touchy with me, they are definitely more into one another at the moment.

That afternoon, we are alone in the house, as everyone else went out for lunch, and I call them to the living room with me so we can talk.

"What's going on with you guys?" I ask as they sit down on the couch across from me. I notice that they are essentially sitting in one another's laps.

"What do you mean?" Tae asks.

"This." I say pointing at them. "You two have been all over each other today. You are constantly touching and feeling on each other."

Jungkook blushes and looks down.

"Okay, neither of you are really looking me in the face. What's going on? Are you guys pissed at me or something?"

Both of their heads whip my direction and they are both looking at me.

"No! We are not mad at you. Why would we be mad?" Tae asks.

"You guys won't look at me, you are all over each other and you have barely touched me all day." I say pouting slightly.

"We're sorry baby. We didn't mean to make you feel that way. We....we had sex last night and I think we are just extra clingy right now because of it." Tae explains.

"Tae, we have sex all the time. That doesn't explain why you guys are into one another so much today."

"No, baby. We had sex with each other." Taehyung says as Jungkook pushes his red face into his side.

"Oh." I say. I have no idea what to say to them.

"Yeah. After making out for you last night, we kinda got carried and away."

"And you didn't let me watch?! You know I love watching you guys together! I can't believe you didn't wake me up!"

"Baby! It's not that we didn't want you to watch. It was our first time and it kinda happened out of no where."

"So you guys have been all over each other because you had sex?"

"Yeah. Sorry you have been feeling neglected. We didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." JK says and they both make their way over to me and sit on either side, cuddling me.

I lean over to Tae and he kisses me. "I didn't mean to make it seem like you guys couldn't be with each other and love on each other. You can still cuddling and stuff with each other."

"We love you too. Just because we had sex doesn't mean that you get neglected. We love you just as much as we love each other."

After cuddling for a while with them, Jungkook suddenly sits up.

"Did you call the doctor, Emma?"

"Relax, yes I did. She said that we should be good since I have been off the antibiotics for a week. She said that I can still take a test in a couple of weeks if it will make us feel better. I will do that if it will make you feel better."

They both sigh in relief. "Maybe we should do that just to be sure."

The rest of the day was spent cuddling and watching movies.

A couple of weeks go by and everything is coming up great with the doctor and my leg is healing perfectly. Soon, I will be able to use the crutches. I will still need help up the stairs but will definitely be more mobile.

Jungkook, being the worrier that he is, gets a pregnancy test from store and insists that I take it first thing in the morning.

I take the test and when I come out of the bathroom, both guys are sitting on the bed looking nervous.

"Well?" They ask at the same time.

"Relax, guys. It takes a few minutes to get the results."

I hobble my way around the room, trying to straighten things up but Jungkook comes over and picks me up and sits me on the bed.

"Don't try to do things like that. You should be using your crutches anyway."

"It's more difficult to use the crutches to walk around the room than it is just to hobble." I say as the timer goes off.

I stand and use one crutch to make him happy and make my way to the bathroom. I look at the test and smile and walk out to the guys.

"It's negative just like I thought it would be."

They both chuckle, relieved.

Taehyung and Jungkook are needed at the company for a little while. I have them take me downstairs and I sit in the living room with Kristi watching TV.

"So you took a pregnancy test?" She says in between shows.

I look at her. "Yeah. You know how Jungkook worries. I figured it would be negative but he needed reassurance."

She looks at me and I watch her rub her rounded belly.

"Did you want it to be negative?"

I snap my eyes back at her.

"You look....I don't know, disappointed?"

I sigh. "I mean, our relationship is still so new and with the world now knowing about one of them and me still healing, we really can't handle having a baby right now, but I can't say that I wasn't a least a little hopeful that it would come up positive."

"I understand. When mine came up positive, I freaked out at first. After calming myself down a little, I told Joon and he was completely shocked but totally happy. He couldn't stop the smile on his face. His dimples were like a permanent fixture on his face." She says smiling.

She gets up and sits next to me and places my hand on her belly to feel the baby kick. I smile and giggle. I can't wait until I am carrying the babies of my guys and my eyes fill with tears for a moment.

Kristi hugs me and we don't need to speak for her to know what I am feeling.

After a little while, my leg really starts to hurt and she brings me my pills and something to take them with, along with a fluffy blanket and a squishy pillow for me for when I fall asleep.

She is still sitting next to me when I drift off.

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