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Me and the guys are practicing and leaving an empty stool where Jungkook will be sitting when we perform tomorrow.

"Let's take a break guys. Get some water and sit for a while." The choreographer says.

I grab a bottle of water and sit on the edge of the stage. Almost immediately, I choke on my water when I feel warmth around my cock. I instantly know that Emma and Jungkook must be fooling around. I jump up and head to the bathroom. I don't know what she is doing to him but I know I won't last long if it keeps feeling this way.

Once in the bathroom, I lower my pants and start to pump myself. It feels absolutely amazing whatever it is. Soon, I'm spilling into the toilet. I catch my breath and head back out to the stage. We will definitely be having a talk about this when I get back to the hotel.

We finish up practice and head back to the hotel for the night. We need a good night's sleep before the concert. I know Emma doesn't want to fool around with us before a concert, but after what they did while I was at practice, I'm sure I can get something tonight.

I step into the room and see them both sitting in the bed watching tv. They both look at me as I stare at them with my arms crossed.

"Is there anything you two want to tell me?" I ask as I saunter toward the bed. I stop beside Jungkook.

"No. Is there something you need to know?" Jungkook asks.

"Yes, well, you see, we had this rule, that there would be no fooling around before a concert and I know from a very reliable source that you two did something today." I say.

"The doctor told you? Did he tell everybody? God, this is so embarrassing." Emma says and covers her face.

"What? What about the doctor? How would he tell me?" I ask confused.

"If thats not what you're talking about, what do you mean?" Jungkook asks.

"I mean, we took a break from practice and I could feel whatever it was you guys were doing. Now, tell me why the doctor would know."

"Well, um, we were fooling around and Emma went down on me, which I am sure is what you felt, and the doctor came bursting through the door without knocking which caused me to push Emma down on me, which caused me to cum and choke her. The perv just continued to stare at her afterward and I had to make him turn around so Emma could leave to go the bathroom to get dressed. That's why the doctor knows and if he knows whats good for him, he won't do it again and he won't tell anybody what he saw." Jungkook explains.

I'm shocked for a moment. I can't believe the doctor just walked into the room without knocking or announcing himself.

I get over it quickly.

"Come here, beautiful." I say, reaching a hand out to Emma.

I pull her off the bed and flush against me. I have one hand in her hair and one on her lower back. I press my mouth to hers and immediately we ignite into flames of passion.

I push her backwards until her back hits the wall. Once I have her pinned, I tap her thigh to tell her to jump. She does and I hold her up and she wraps her legs around my waist. We are making out heavily, when a whine comes from the bed. I pull away and look at him.

"You had yours already, it's my turn." I say.

"I know, but you could at least come over here to the bed so I can see what I will be feeling."

I laugh and walk over and drop Emma onto the bed. She giggles and looks up at me before removing her shirt. She is now, only in red lacy panties and I instantly get harder.

I move her up next to Jungkook before pulling back and removing my own shirt. I move back in and latch onto her neck while my hands roam over her body. I hold her breast in my hand while I rub my thumb over her nipple. She whines and arches into me. I grind my pelvis against her sex and she bucks slightly.

Jungkook whines softly and I look at him. He is panting and has his pants pulled down just far enough to get his cock out.

"Don't touch." I say huskily.

He whines again. I turn my attention back to Emma, while hooking my thumbs into her panties and sliding them down. I bring my hand back to her and slide a finger inside. She moans and arches again.

"Please." She says softly.

"Patience, sweet girl." I say.

Slowly, I add another finger and she moans louder. I quickly undo my pants and push them off. I get into position between her legs and lean down to kiss her while I slide into her. Jungkook and I moan together at the feel.

I look up at him and he is sweating and panting. I slide back and then in again quickly. I watch as his eyes roll back in his head. I reach out with one hand and grab him by the shirt and pull him to me to kiss him.

I slide my tongue into his mouth at the same time I am thrusting into Emma. He moans again. We part and I look at Emma. Her pupils are blown and she is watching us intently. I lean down to kiss her again. When I pull back, she looks over at Jungkook and he leans down to kiss her as well. As he kisses her, I lean in and suck at his neck. I make sure not to leave a mark though.

We change positions quickly. I take pity on Jungkook and have Emma get on her knees and put her face in his lap. As soon as she takes him in her mouth, I start to pound at an excessive rate. I push him further into her mouth with each thrust and the dual sensation is almost too much.

I lean over her back as I thrust and push my tongue into his mouth. Emma is moaning on him and its vibrating through me and I don't want to stop. I pull back and grab her hips and start to chase my orgasm. I can feel her start to tighten around me and I know she is close as well. Jungkook has grabbed her hair and is watching his cock as it disappears into her mouth and something about it sends me over the edge. I thrust hard and Emma detonates around me and it's all too much. I am coming so hard. I look at Jungkook and I can see he is too.

When it's all done, I run to the bathroom and grab a washcloth to clean Emma up. After she is clean, I help Jungkook strip down. He likes to sleep in the nude and neither Emma or I are complaining. As a matter of fact, I think tonight all of us will be sleeping naked and we will all sleep very well.

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