2.9K 107 2

4 a.m. comes really fast when you're tired. Jin walked around and made sure everyone is up. Poor Emma looks exhausted. I make sure I grab her bag as well as mine as we head out to the van. We sit in the back row with Emma between the two of us. She has her head on Jungkook's shoulder and I can already see her eyes closing. Jungkook doesn't look much better. I chuckle at the two of them.

The ride to the airport is uneventful and fortunately, there are no fans outside or reporters so we can walk with our mates. The wait for the plane isn't long either which is unusual. Normally, we get there and there is a delay of some kind. Today we are fortunate to be able to almost immediately board and get on our way.

Poor Emma is just basically a walking zombie. Jungkook and I are standing together as she gets up to go to the bathroom, stumbling.

"That poor girl. I feel so bad. I wasn't exactly gentle last night." I say.

"She's fine. She's not complaining. She will get use to the early days." Jungkook says.

She comes out of the bathroom and she looks a little more awake. She walks to me and puts her arms around my waist and leans into me.

"Tired baby?"

She nods and closes her eyes.

"We have a long flight so you can go back to sleep. We are about to board so we will find our seats and make you comfortable so you can get your beauty rest." I say chuckling.

Shortly after, we board and we position Emma between the two of us. After take off, she leans against me and I feel her getting more and more heavy as she falls back asleep.

"Emma, sweetheart, sit up for a second." Jungkook says.

Once she's upright, we fix her seat to lay down. She lays down and almost immediately falls asleep.

"Jeez, what did you guys to the girl? She should be plenty awake right now." Jin says as he walks by to his seat.

Hours later, Emma is still out and the lights have been lowered so the others can get some rest too. Eventually, Jungkook and I are the only ones awake. I put my hand on his thigh and slide it up and down. He glances at me.

"What are you doing?" He whispers.

"Nothing. I just want some attention from you. Everyone is asleep. No one is awake to see." I say placing my hand on the back of his head, pulling him to me.

We lean together over Emma and press our lips together. It's kind of exciting, knowing that any of them could catch us at any moment. Soon, those thoughts leave as Jungkook brushes his tongue against mine. We continue to make out for an extended period of time. Hands sometimes entertwined and other times, grabbing each others faces.

*Jimin (girl) POV

I wake up a couple of hours into the flight. I sit quietly for a few moments but I keep hearing low noises and I think someone has fallen asleep with a movie going or something. Finally I decide to get up and go to the restroom.

Quietly, I make my way down the aisle. I get closer to the sounds and I can hear that it's quiet moans. I think Emma and one of the guys must be making out or something. As I come up on the sounds, I gasp as I see Taehyung and Jungkook with their tongues down each others throat while Emma is asleep between the two.

They pull apart hearing me gasp. They look shocked. I am shocked.

"What the-" I say quietly.

"Ssshhh!" They both hiss.

"What are you two doing?!" She asks in a whisper.

"Calm down!" I say.

"What about Emma? How could you two do this? Especially with her sleeping between you?"

"She knows. Listen, you can't tell anyone. We each received a mark with each other's names. We are soulmates as well. No feelings actually were felt until we touched the marks. Almost immediately, there was attraction felt. We are waiting to tell everyone because it's a lot to take in, especially with how things keep getting more intense with more marks." I explain.

"I get not telling everyone. I kinda thought you guys were gonna end up together before you met Emma. You guys have always been close. It's kinda hot, honestly." She says.

"Please tell us you won't tell anyone. Even Yoongi. We will tell everyone when we are ready. We are not ready yet. This is weird for us and we can't figure out why the marks came so much later than the ones for her. We just need time to get use to this ourselves." Jungkook says pleadingly.

"I promise I won't tell anyone but you guys need to be more careful. What if I had been one of the guys? I don't think they will judge you but still. It would have been a real shock to any of them." She says.

"We know. We just kinda got carried away. Its still really new and different. Thanks for being so understanding and promising not to say anything." I say.

"Not a problem. You guys should probably get some rest. You know it's gonna be nonstop once we get there."

"You're right. Thanks Jimin."

She leaves and we recline our seats.

"We were very lucky that it was her and not one of the hyungs or other girls. Although, I think the girls would accept a lot faster than the guys. I don't think they will have a problem with it but it will be a lot to process."

"Yeah. Well, like she said. We should probably rest. Sleep well, Kookie."

"Sleep well, Tae."

We relax and each lay a hand on Emma. Sleep comes easily now and I close my eyes with a smile on my face. I am so happy.

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