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The next morning, we have to get up super early. Jungkook and I kiss Emma goodbye as we head out to start our day.

We get to the arena and we walk out on stage, just to see what we will see and kinda get that feeling of what the next couple of days will be like. We still have to go to wardrobe, mic up, sound check, practice, dance practice, dance practice on stage. The next few days are going to be very busy and by the end of it, we will be very tired and happy that we are doing this for ARMY.

I am very happy that Emma will have the girls to hang out with and hopefully won't be too lonely. Knowing that she will be there when we get home, makes me happy also knowing that it will help me and Jungkook relax. Having our soulmate with us, gives us energy.

Once we are done for the day, we head back into the house and it's incredibly quiet. It's also quite late. Jungkook and I creep into our room and use the light of our phones to find our way to what we need before bed. We decide to shower together, even though we are too tired to do anything together. We wash quickly and get into the bed on either side of Emma. I happen to be in front of her and she scoots closer in her sleep and places her head on my chest. Jungkook snuggles up to her back and we wrap our arms around her, instantly relaxing and falling into sleep.

We wake up the next morning and Emma is still sleeping. She won't be up with us until the next day, which is the concert. We kiss her cheek gently before heading out.

As we arrive at the venue, it always amazes me how many people are standing outside. They are not able to get in, but they just hang out outside the venue.

Again we have a busy, busy day. Today we will be doing all the dance practices on stage. We have to be very careful as this stage is smaller than some of the others we have been on. During some of the dances, some of us end up very close to the edge. We practice those dances the most, to make sure that we know where to stop so we don't go over the edge and end up hurt.

Around midnight, we are still working. We have only spoke to the girls once today and that was during lunch. I can see why now why the guys were always stressing while working and their soulmates weren't there. A lot of energy is drained when they are not around. I mean, Jungkook and I aren't as bad as the others since we are soulmates as well. We still feel the energy drain though.

The directors make us run through it one more time so that the lighting people can double check their shots. Luckily, we don't have to sing and we just dance with the songs playing out. Finally, we finish and head home around 2 a.m. Luckily, since tomorrow is the concert, we can sleep a little later than usual and don't have to be at the venue until 12.

And best part of all, the girls get to go with us. The managers know that we will need their energy as well as the crowd.

Slipping into the bed beside Emma, is the best part of my day. She lifts her head and smiles at each of us through sleep hazed eyes. We gently peck her lips and relax to get good sleep before the big day tomorrow and the next day.

Waking up, I blink into the sunlight shining through the windows. I immediately notice, that Emma is not in bed. I sit up on my elbows and look around. I see her come out of the bathroom.

"What are you doing, baby?" I ask sleepily.

"I just had to use the restroom and brush my teeth. Why? Are you wanting some more cuddles before having to get up?" She says as she climbs back in, careful not to wake Jungkook.

"Mmmmm, that sounds like a great idea." I say grabbing her and pulling her close.

"Tae, you know that we can't do anything today. We don't want to do anything to drain your energy for the show. Maybe after we can have post concert sex." She says, whining as I run my hands over her body.

Jungkook sits up. "Are you guys fooling around without me?"

I chuckle. "No, babe. She won't let us do anything before the concert." I pout.

Slowly, as the day moves on, it comes time to leave. The girls have to ride in a seperate car. We hate this but they have on their staff shirts, hats and jackets.

We enter the back of the arena, away from fans but we still have security around everyone, including the girls and the stylists and make up artists.

The girls hang out with us while we get ready and chill in the green room while we do sound check because fans have bought soundcheck tickets. We spend extra time out on the stage so that fans get a little more for their money.

We come back stage to relax before the concert.


This is an interesting experience. I have never been to a BTS concert before so it's very exciting. We can hear the crowd as they start to fill up the stadium. We can hear them singing along to the music playing while they wait for the start of the show.

I am very surprised that there are so many people. The day was very gray and gloomy. I thought it would be hard to find the energy with the day being so blah but the fans really seem to make a difference. Their energy level was still sky high and they were really energizing the guys.

They come over kiss me before they head out to start the show. We can hear the crowd go wild as they appear on stage.

The show goes on even though it started to rain. The fans didn't care and to be honest, it probably felt good to the guys with how hot they must be.

They start the next to last song and the rain finally comes to a drizzle. Right towards the end of the song, Jungkook slides to the edge of the stage and because of the water on it, he falls off the edge.

Me and the girls were watching on a screen and I almost scream as I see him go over. The show comes to a stop and I can see security helping him up. I can see the guys trying to make him go back stage to be looked after but he asks for a chair so they can finish the last song.

When everything was over, the guys help Jungkook back stage. I didn't expect it to be too bad since he stayed on stage but as they bring him into the green room, I can see how much pain he is in.

I go over and sit next him and hold his hand. The medic comes in and tells him to remove his pants so his leg is visible. As the pants come down, I gasp as I see his knee. Its incredible bruised and swollen. I can also see the disappointment on his face since he knows there is no way he will dancing any time soon.

"Crap." Taehyung says.

I give him a confused look. "Last year, when he cut his foot, he couldn't dance and had to sit while performing and his mental state, went way down. I can't imagine what this will do to him."

"I guess you and I have a job then. We can't let him get down. I know there is nothing we can do during a show but before and after, we need to keep his spirits up." I say and I see the others nodding. Jungkook is the only one not paying attention since his knee is being wrapped.

I guess we will see how the next few weeks go.

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