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I yawn and rub my eyes. I don't open them right away. I listen to my surroundings and I hear the deep breathing of multiple people. I can feel my boys' hands on me. I try to relax but my bladder is screaming at me. Not to mention that I'm starving.

I wiggle my way out from under my boys, and walk to the bathroom. On the way back, Jimin (girl) stops me and we sit towards the back, away from everyone.

"So..." She says.

"So?" I say back.

"Jungkook and Taehyung together too?" My jaw drops open and i stare at her.

"How? When? What?" I stumble.

"Relax. I caught them making out earlier. I talked to them and i know they don't want to tell anyone yet. I was just wondering how you feel about it." She says gently.

"Actually....I think it's hot. Watching them together, is really something. I like it. And that means I can have them both at the same time without it being awkward." I say blushing.

"Girl! Finally got you some and now you're a freak!" She laughs.

I laugh along with her but we quiet down when we hear some shuffling. "Honestly, I'm glad you are okay with it. Do they think the guys won't be okay with it? Is that why they don't want to tell anyone?"

"No. We think everyone will be okay with it but there has already been alot going on with me getting so many marks. And now they have more than one mark for me and suddenly they have marks for each other. It's also very new. Like it's only been like a day and a half."

"Oh wow! No wonder they can't keep their hands off one another. It's always hard in the beginning."

"Absolutely. It's become very hard to keep my hands to myself." I say to her and we go our seperate ways.

I get back to my seat and see that my boys have their hands entertwined on my seat. I smile and pull my phone out to take a picture. I put my phone away and lift their arms so that I can return to my seat. I pull out the laptop and turn on Netflix so I can watch something. I am three episodes into a show when I feel arms wrap around me. I turn.

"Hey baby." Jungkook says snuggling into my hair.

I lean into him and ask him if he wants a headphone. He declines and states that he going to the restroom and then finding out what we can eat. He returns with a flight attendant who asks what we want to eat.

Shortly there after, the food comes and we start eating and watching the show together. We chuckle together softly, making sure that we don't wake anyone else up.

"Can I have something to eat?" I look over to see Taehyung pouting. I giggle and share my bite with him.

He snuggles up closer to see what Jungkook and I are watching. He then does the cutest stretch and sits up.

"Where you going baby?" Jungkook asks quietly.

"Just going to the bathroom. I'll be right back."

"Do you want to order something to eat or do you want to continue to share?" I ask.

"I wanna share with you two." He says still pouting slightly.

He comes back shortly and snuggles right next to us. We unplug the headphones and make sure the volume is down so that we don't disturb anybody.

When the episode ends, I pause it and look at both of them. "So Jimin caught you guys?"

Jungkook chuckles. "Yeah. We kind of got carried away."

"If you guys don't want to tell anyone yet, you need to be more careful. What if Jin or Namjoon had been the ones to come around and see you. Then you would have to explain and then everyone would know. If we want to explore this together and see how this will work between us, some control if going to have to be used." I say.

"We're sorry. It's just so hard to stop. Especially once we get started."

"Believe me, I know. You think it's easy for me to keep my hands to myself? Around the two of you. Do you know how bad I want jump you guys right now?" I say.

"No one said you had to keep your hands to yourself." Jungkook says in my ear.

I close my eyes and lean back into him. "You shouldn't say those things. I'm having a hard enough time as it is."

His hands slide up my leg. "Jungkook! Really. I'm not joking."

"I'm not either." He breathes into my ear.

He stands up and holds his hand out to me. I take his hand and he leads me back to the back of the plane. There's a door there and he opens it. He pulls me through and tosses me on the bed thats in there.

He crawls up my body and catches my mouth with his. I moan into the kiss and slide my hands into his hair. He presses his body completely against mine and grinds into me.

"Jungkook, please don't tease me. Please!" I beg as his hands slide up my body.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, I'm gonna take good care of you."

He kisses across my collarbone pulling my shirt down slightly. I arch into him. He finally lifts my shirt and discards it. He kisses everywhere across my chest and down my stomach. He was driving me crazy.

He slides my pants down and kisses as he goes. I'm squirming by the time my pants are all the way down.

"Baby please!" I say. He chuckles as he enjoys torturing me.

"You better be quiet baby or everyone is gonna hear you."

"Then stop teasing me."

He slides his body back up and claims my mouth again as he settles between my legs. He kisses me deeply. Unexpectedly, he sits me up and quickly unhooks my bra and pulls it off. He takes my nipple in his mouth sucking softly as he lays me back down. As my back hits the mattress, he licks my nipple and my back arches completely off the bed.

I look up at him and realize that at some point, he removed his clothes except for his underwear. I run my hands over his shoulders and down his back. I scratch his back lightly with my nails and he moans.

We become more frenzied as our hands roam each others' bodies. He grabs the sides of my panties and I lift my hips to help him remove them. I grab his underwear and slide them down and wrap my hand around his cock and pump him slowly. He runs his hand between my legs and rubs at my clit. We can't take it anymore and he pulls me around and pushes my shoulders into the mattress and my ass in the air.

Without warning, he slides into me. He pumps hard and fast. Immediately, I'm a moaning mess. I grab a pillow and shove my face into it, trying to quiet myself.

"God baby! You feel so good. So fucking tight!" He says as he slams into me.

"Aaaaggghhhh!" I moan loudly into the pillow. I grab the sheets and fist my hands into them as my orgasm blasts through me.

"That's right baby. Cum on my cock. I can feel you milking me baby! I'm gonna cum so hard." He thrusts sloppily into me and then he cums on my back.

I fall onto the bed on my stomach. He steps into the tiny bathroom to the side and grabs a wet cloth to clean me off. He comes back to the bed and slides in next to me. I fall asleep against his chest and only wake when he runs his fingertips over my cheeks and tells me we have to go back to our seats since we are getting close to our refueling airport.

We go back to our seats and a smirking Tae.

"You really think you guys were quiet?" He says laughing.

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