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"Careful! Careful!" I say as Jungkook carries Emma into the house.

"Tae! I got this. Grab the crutches and the wheel chair."

He sits her down on the couch where everyone is gathered.

"Hey. Emma." Yoonah says quietly.

"We were all so worried about you." Both Jimins say at the same time, making everyone giggle.

"I'm ok guys. A little tired from the medication but otherwise ok." Emma says softly.

I sit beside and hear her gasp. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

"No. When your arm touched mine, I felt tingles and warmth." She says wide-eyed.

"Oh, it's the soulmate healing. The doctor said it would happen. Does it hurt?" Jungkook asks.

"No. It feels kinda good actually." She says with a soft giggle.

I sigh and sink down comfortably beside her again. The door bell rings shortly after and Namjoon runs to answer it. It's dinner and he takes it in the dining room. Jungkook jumps up and goes to grab Emma and I something to eat and drink.

He sits it on the little table next to the couch and runs back for food for himself. I grab the plate and make sure that Emma eats. Shortly after everyone has their food, Jungkook comes and sits on Emma's other side. Jimin turns on a movie. We start watching and eventually get really relaxed.

I know that Jungkook and I haven't been sleeping that great. All the worry over Emma and with her being in the hospital, we haven't really been comfortable enough to get a good night's rest.

Shortly after the movie starts, Emma's head drops to land on my shoulder. Shortly after that, Jungkook's head drops backwards as he sleeps. I chuckle a little. He has probably slept the least out of the two of us. He worries about everything.

I yawn. "I think I better get these two up and into bed. Can someone help get Jungkook up while I get our girl up to the room?" I ask.

They pause the movie because they know that it might take a bit to get Jungook up and moving. Namjoon comes over and places his hand on JK's shoulder. He immediately jumps up.

"What? What happened? Is she ok?" He asks immediately.

"Jungkook! Relax. Everything is fine." Namjoon says.

"Where is she? Where's Tae?" Jk says still panicking.

Namjoon steps in front of him and grabs his face to make him look at him.

"They are fine. Tae took Emma upstairs. He is waiting on you to join them."

He heaves a big sigh of relief and sags slightly. He nods and heads upstairs.


I step into the room right as Tae lays her down. He looks at me when I close the door.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah. I'm fine why?"

"Well, you jumped up so fast. You sounded panicked. We thought for sure it would take a while to wake you up. You have to be tired."

"I'm exhausted but I need to make sure you guys are ok. If that means I stay awake while you guys rest, then so be it."

He walks over to me, and grabs my face. "You need to rest. We will not be ok if we are worrying about you. You know Emma will tell you to sleep. She will be angry if she wakes up and sees you not taking care of yourself."

"I know. I promise. I will rest now. Go finish getting ready and we will get in bed together."

We both go brush our teeth and and finish getting ready. I go over to Emma and lift her slightly. I remove her shirt and Tae brings me one of his and I slip it over her head. I leave her sweat pants where they are.

Tae gets in bed on one side of her while I get in the other. We lean over her and kiss goodnight and then both lean in and gently kiss her head. I'm asleep almost as soon as my head hits the pillows.


I gasp. Pain. I'm in so much pain. My side hurts so bad.

I can feel grass underneath my back. I hear a man say, "Bitch!" and then tires squealing. I try to sit up and gasp more as pain shoots up my leg.

"Emma! What's wrong?" Jungkook asks leaning over me.

"..." I blink and just look at him.

"You're sweating and shaking. Are you okay? What's wrong?" Tae says sitting up.

"I hurt." I whimper. I'm sure if the dream was something I made up or an actual memory.

They both jump up. Tae grabs a glass off the table and runs off into the bathroom. Jungkook  grabs the pill bottle and puts two of them in my hand. I take them when Tae comes back from the bathroom with the water.

"Sleep now, baby. The pain will go away. I love you." Jungkook says softly.

"We will be right here when you wake up. I love you." Tae says.

"I love you both." I say slurring my words as sleep takes over.

When the morning comes, I wake up and Tae is awake and rubbing my arm lightly.

"Good morning, beautiful girl. How are feeling?" He says softly.

"I'm ok. A little stiff and a little sore but ok." I say.

I look to my other side and see Jungkook sleeping still. "He really needs to take care of himself better. I can see the dark circles under his eyes."

"I told him that last night. He said he worries about us but I told him that we would be worried about him if he didn't rest and take care of himself. He said he would try. I'm going to let him sleep for as long as possible today."

"Yeah, he needs to sleep." I say, brushing my fingers lightly over his cheek.

About 20 minutes later, Tae and I are relaxing in the bed and watching TV while Jungkook sleeps, when Jimin bursts through the door.

Jungkook jumps up and looks around wildly.

"Jimin!" Taehyung says.

"Sorry. Sorry." He says, sheepishly. "But there is something you guys really need to see."

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