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When we get back from the company, we see both Emma and Kristi asleep on the couch surrounded by pillows and blankets. I see Emma's medicine on the table beside her so I figured she took something. I hear Namjoon sigh from beside me. I look at him and he just smiles as he looks at Kristi.

We walk over to the couch and see that Emma has her hand resting on Kristi's belly. I smile.

"Wondering what it would feel like to have her swollen with your baby?" Namjoon asks.

I blink and look at him. "What do you mean? We-we are nowhere near ready for something like that."

"I didn't say you were. I just saw the way you were looking at them and it looked like you wanted Emma to be the one having a baby."

"I mean, who doesn't think about their soul mate being pregnant with their child? I will be so happy when she does get pregnant, whether it's mine or JK's. It won't matter. I love them both equally."

"I'm glad you all have each other." He says walking into the kitchen.

I feel arms wrap around me and I smile and lean back a little. Jungkook rests his head on my shoulder watching our girl sleep.

"I love her so much, Kookie."

"I know you do, babe."

He drags me off into the kitchen to get something to drink. Most of the guys are in there since we were tired from practicing some things.

"Where are the rest of the girls?" I ask.

"They went out to shop for the baby I think. Maybe to get something to cheer Emma up since she can't really get around that much on her own." Jimin says.

"Those girls really are the sweetest to each other. I'm glad our family is complete now." Jin says.

Suddenly we hear muffled moans and yells coming from the living room. We all take off in that direction.

Kristi is doubled over and Emma is whimpering in her sleep to the side.

"What happened?" Namjoon asks. "Are you okay?"

"I don't know. My stomach hurts really bad. Maybe we should head to the hospital." Kristi says. "Check on Emma. I think I may have squeezed her arm when I was just waking up to the pain."

"We have her. You guys head to the hospital and keep us updated." Jungkook says, while smoothing his hand over Emma's hair.

They leave for the hospital, taking Kristi's overnight bag just in case.

Emma whimpers again. I look at her, but she isn't holding her arm so I don't think that is what is bothering her.

"Emma, sweetheart, wake up." I say softly, trying to gently wake her.

She starts to cry and to scratch her arms. She becomes frantic and I panic. I don't know what to do. I look at Jungkook and he looks equally as panicked.

Yoongi comes forward and grabs her shoulders and puts her in a sitting position.

"Hold her hands so she can't scratch herself." He instructs.

After we have her hands, he grabs her chin and speaks to her.

"Emma, you need to wake up. Emma!" He finally yells and her eyes fly open.

She sees everyone standing around and she turns to me.

"I-I" She doesn't finish but pushes her face into my chest and cries. She relaxes in my arms shortly thereafter and I look at Yoongi.

"What was that?"

"She was having a panic attack in her sleep. Jimin use to have them when we first got together. I would talk to her about what she was dreaming when she gets up. She probably won't even remember us waking her up."

I nod. I look at JK. He nods and grabs her crutches as I lift her to take her to bed. As I get to the stairs, I look back. "Thank you Yoongi."

"No problem." He says with a shrug.

As we get into bed, Jungkook looks at me.

"I wonder what she was dreaming about. The doctor did say it was possible that she would have nightmares about the accident."

"Yeah. I just thought it was odd that she hasn't had any before. It's been a couple of weeks since the accident and she hasn't had any."

"Maybe Kristi grabbing her triggered it?" Jungkook says.


I wake to hearing noises outside in the hallway. I get up and open the door to see Namjoon helping Kristi down the hall and into their room.

"What's up? What did the hospital say?" I ask as I follow behind to make sure they don't need any help. Kristi looks like she is about to pass out at any moment.

"Braxton Hicks contractions. They happen near the end of pregnancy to prepare for the real thing. She is so tired. She was in pain and couldn't relax until she knew everything was going to be okay. They gave her something to help her sleep. Thanks for checking man. Have a good night." Namjoon explains.

"Good night." I say heading back to my room.

I enter to see that Jungkook has moved further into the bed and is pressed so tightly to Emma that they look connected. I hear a whimper and see him squeeze her tighter and I realize that they weren't just cuddling. He was trying to calm her even in his sleep. I get up on the bed and get close to her as well. She lets out one more whimper and then sighs into our hold and relaxes. We will definitely have to check with her in the morning and if it's necessary, see if she wants to talk to us about it or talk to a professional. We don't want her hurting.

I wrap my arm around her waist and Jungkook's arms grabs hold of him as we lock her in our hold. I relax and soon, sleep takes over. I dream of beautiful babies being carried by my beautiful soul mate.

A/N: just a quick update. I had no idea what I was going to write so there may be another tomorrow. Good night everybody!

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