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I slowly open my eyes to see that it is still dark outside. I look to my side and see Emma sleeping peacefully cuddled up to Tae. I don't know how they do it, but on days when I get up early to workout, they cling to one another but on days that I don't, they are plastered to me like glue.

I sigh and get up and put on a tanktop and basketball shorts and head down to the gym to work up a sweat.

A few hours later, I come back, drenched in sweat. I see Tae still sleeping but Emma is no longer there. I hear the shower running and decide to join her.

I step into the bathroom and the shower doors are all fogged up so she hasn't seen me come in. I quietly strip out of my clothes and step into the shower.

She gasps. "Jungkook! You scared the crap out of me!"

I chuckle and pull her to me by her waist. "What? I just wanted to surprise you."

"You sure surprised me alright!" She giggles.

"I also love how good you look when you're wet." I say softly in her ear.

She groans and leans back into me. She looks up at me with her beautiful and innocent eyes and I can't help myself. I lean down and connect our lips. Slowly, I lead her back until she is against the wall of the shower. We kiss passionately for a few moments. That's when I feel another body against mine from behind.

"I didn't know we were having shower fun." Taehyung says against my neck.

"I didn't either." Emma says smirking at me.

They both laugh. "I mean we can have shower fun or we can have bedroom and we can take our time."

They agree and we quickly wash and head into the room. I place Emma in the middle of the bed and look at Tae. I move my finger in a 'come hither' motion and he walks to me. When he gets close enough, I pull him against me by his waist and with the flick of my finger, remove the towel from around his waist. He smirks as he kisses me. He runs his hands down my arms and up my sides before he quickly gets rid of my towel as well. He grabs my hips and pulls us flush against one another and I moan quietly as our cocks rub against one another.

I chance a quick glance over at Emma and she is propped against some pillows and is running her fingers over her clit while watching us.

"Like what you see, baby girl?" I ask her.

"Yeah, seems like you are enjoying it as well." She says with a pointed look downward where I am already rock hard.

"You know it, baby." I say.

Taehyung hasn't said a word. He is watching us quietly with a knowing smile on his face. Before I can say anything to either of them, he starts attacking my neck with open mouth sloppy kisses. I groan and lean my head back when he finds my sweet spot. I run my hands down his stomach until I reach my destination.

I wrap my hand around him and use that to guide him forward even more. When he is close enough, I slide my hand down to his tip and grip myself as well, pumping us together and against one another. He moans loudly against my neck.

After a few minutes of enjoying the attention, he turns me around towards Emma and gently pushes me forward. I smile at her and slowly crawl on the bed until I am hovering over her.

I lean down and connect our lips. I feel the bed dip and glance down and Tae is kissing his way up her leg. She starts to squirm when he kisses everywhere but where she really wants him to. He licks a thick strip up her slit and then licks her in quick succession, then stops. He looks up and grabs my chin only to stick his tongue in my mouth, giving me a taste.

When he pulls away, I look at Emma. "Delicious."

I lean back in and start trailing kisses from the side of her neck, down to her collar bone. She gasps when Tae leans in and does the same on the other side. We reach her breasts at the same time and each pull a nipple into our mouths.

I reach down with my hand and run my fingers through her wetness. I tap Tae gently and when he pulls away from her nipple, I wipe her juices there and then repeat the process with the other nipple. We both moan when we taste her again this way. Emma is a moaning, back arching mess.

Tae continues with her chest as I move my way downward. I give her clit a peck before diving in. I lick up her slit and flick her clit as I move up. I settle myself there and plunge my tongue deep into her. I pump it in and out of her quickly. I do that for several minutes and go back to swiping her with the flat of my tongue. After a few times, of switching back and forth, Emma cums on my tongue.

I lean up and kiss Taehyung with her still fresh on my tongue. He groans and wraps his hands around me and pumps gently.

"You ready?" He asks. I nod.

He goes to get the lube out of the drawer and I go back to kissing Emma. I feel the bed dip when he returns and I know he is going to prep me good. I continue to kiss Emma when I feel his cool finger at my entrance. I moan loudly into her neck when he pushes in. He pumps one finger in a couple of times before adding another. I gently bite Emma's shoulder when he scissors me open.

"You ready baby?" I ask her. She nods.

I gently pull her legs apart and settle myself between them. I guide myself inside and still. She gasps at the feeling of fullness and wiggles a little for friction.

"Just a few more seconds, baby, and I'll give you what you want." I say and then gasps as Tae enters me.

"Good?" He asks. I moan and nod.

I start and pull back a little into Tae, causing him to moan and then slam my hips forward again into Emma and the sound she lets out, motivates me to make her do it again. So I do.

This sets Tae off and he grabs my hip with one hand and Emma's good leg with the other and sets a devastating pace. I try to keep up and keep a good rhythm but when he hits my prostate again and again, I am basically at his mercy. Thankfully his momentum is helping me make Emma feel good.

After a good long while, I feel Emma tighten around me as she cums and it sets off a chain reaction. She tightens on me as she cums, and I tighten on Tae as I cum and seconds later, he grips my hips tight and shoves all the way into me before cumming as well.

As we lay there panting and trying to catch our breath, Emma breaks the silence.

"So you guys wanna go out for lunch?" She asks before bursting into giggles.

We laugh but agree. We all decide we need another shower since we are all sweaty. We jump in together and actually wash with only a few kisses and gentle touches before getting ready and heading out to lunch together.

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