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We really started to get into the game and things turned more sexual the longer the game went on and the more drinks were added.

"Okay, Emma, truth or dare?" Jimin said.

"Dare." Emma replied. WE c ould all tell that she was a bit tipsy.

"I dare you to go down on Jungkook until he cums."

My mouth dropped open. Yeah, we had made the others do those things, but after they had a sexual relationship.

"Emma, if you're uncomfortable all you have to do is say so." Namjoon says.

"I'm fine as long as Jungkook is." She says looking at me.

I look over at Tae. He just shrugs."

"Okay." I say, nervously.

Emma slides over to me and smiles. She leans in and kisses me. As she is doing so, her hand moves down to my lap. She starts to palm me through my sweats and I harden.

Slowly, she starts kissing her way down. My breathing starts to quicken when she gets to the band of my sweats. She quickly slides them down and sense I'm not wearing underwear, I'm completely exposed.

She leans down and kisses the tip and I suck in a breath. She sucks just the head into her mouth and lightly sucks. She stops for a moment and then suddenly my member is in her mouth and throat.

My eyes roll back and I let out a moan. Without thinking, I reach down and slide my hand into her hair. I'm not moving her or pushing, just resting my hand there.

I hear whispering but I cannot concentrate on that. Suddenly, a shadow moves and I open my eyes to see Tae. He grins and suddenly Emma moans.

I groan and my hips involuntarily move up. She moans again and I almost lost it. She moans one more time.

"Emma! I'm gonna-" Before I could finish, I came. She bobs her head and sucks me clean, swallowing everything.

She sits up and smiles at me and then kisses me.

"I guess she's not so innocent anymore." Jin says.

"Tae, what were you doing?" I ask while cuddling with Emma.

"Well, everyone was saying that you were taking too long so I decided to help." Emma reached out and held his hand.

"He was tongue kissing his name on my waist. That's why I was humming." She says.

"So, I curious." Hobi says. "How did you fit him all the way in your mouth? I mean, Jungkook is not a small man." Jimin smacks him.

"Real mature." He smiles.

"What? Aren't you curious?"

Emma answers. "Easy. No gag reflex." She laughs when Hobi spits his drink out.

Tae looks at me. We silently communicate. I laugh.

"Okay, Jimin, truth or dare?" Emma says smirking.

"Truth." He says, nervously.

"Um...have you masterbated today?"

"Yes." He answers immediately. Emma laughs and shakes her head.

"Taehyung, truth or dare?" Jimin says.


"Are you ready to have sex with Emma?"

He looks at her and winks.

"Yes." He says maintaining eye contact.

"Jiyoung, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to grind on Jin's lap."

She stands up and stands in front of him before slowly sitting down on his lap facing away from him. He grabs her hips and guides her down. He holds on to her while she swirls her hips.

The game continues like this for a while longer, before Jin suggests we end it and watch movies for a while. Emma snuggles on the couch between me and Taehyung. I have my arm across her shoulders and he has his around her waist.

After two movies, I look over to see Emma's head leaning towards Taehyung on my arm, asleep with Tae's head resting on top of hers, also asleep. I chuckle but continue with the movies.

What seemed like just moments later, I am shaken awake by Yoongi. I look around and everyone was gone except for a very tired-looking Jimin and she was waiting for Yoongi.

"You guys need to go up to bed. If you stay her like this all night, you'll be sore in the morning."

I nod and he walks away with Jimin towards his room. I gently shake Tae awake.

"Tae, we need to go to bed. You go on up and I'll take Emma to her room." I tell him.

He sleepily nods his head and gives Emma a kiss on the cheek before leaning her against me and getting up.

I slide Emma over to straddle me so I can get a grip on her thighs to lift her so I can stand.

She nuzzles her head into my neck as I make my way to her room. I walk into her room and lay her down and start to walk away when she grabs my hand and stops me.

"Stay with me?" She says sleepily.

"Are you sure?"

"Please Kookie." She says dreamily.

I shut the door and get into her bed behind her and pull her against my chest. I hear her sigh and she relaxes against me. I lay behind her and soon I'm asleep as well.

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