The Visit

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The Night Before Trial

You wait anxiously in your holding cell. The officer and Fiona should be here soon to take you to see Spencer. It's been five days since you and Fiona worked on your plea, and your trial is tomorrow. You're anxious but hopefully being with Spencer will calm you down. Then, you here the doors open and you jump off of your cot. Fiona and the officer appear and you walk towards the cold bars. He unlocks the gate and pulls you out, handcuffing you. They walk you through the station and you lower your head at the familiar feelings of judgement and hatred. Once you finally get to the interrogation room you're stopped and Fiona looks at you.

"Remember the rules. One hour, touching is allowed, and you have to stay in this room." She says. "The stuff you wanted is in there. Have fun."

"Thank you Fiona." You say. She nods and the officer frees you from the handcuffs. He opens the door and you walk through. Spencer is sitting at the chair facing you and he lights up when he sees you. His hair is messy but somehow put together, and he's wearing a teal cardigan over a navy blue tie and a light blue button up shirt. The circles under his eyes aren't very dark and he stands up from his seat. You just stand there at the door, staring at him. You can't believe you're actually seeing him again. That's when you run towards him and he opens his long arms. You jump onto him and hug him so tightly you hear his breathing stop momentarily. You cradle your head into his chest as he holds you with his head resting on yours.

"Hi gorgeous." He says. He gives you a small kiss on your forehead.

"Hi lover boy." You say. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too." He says. You two separate but he keeps his hands on you. You look up at him and smile. Once he returns it you take a second to look around the room. Fiona was right, they got everything you wanted.

Warm lights hung around the room giving it a cozy glow as opposed to its usual bleakness. There's a big fuzzy blanket, pillows, and pizza sitting on the table. In the corner you see Spencer's record player accompanied by a few record choices. His projector also sits there with three or four DVDs.

"What are we watching?" You ask.

"We don't have enough time for a full movie, so I was thinking we could watch my old Star Trek DVD collection? The tv show?" He says. The way he speaks is like he's afraid you'll say no, but you smile at the idea.

"That sounds perfect." You say. "I can't wait."

He smiles and walks to the projector. He sets it up on the ledge of the two sided mirror towards the blank wall. He then moves the table and chairs and lays out the big blanket on the floor. You set up the pillows so that you can sit up and watch. Once you two are done you lay down and grab the pizza. Spencer follows soon after and pulls you close to him, his arm wrapped around you. You lay on his shoulder and keep yourself close.

"Pepperoni or cheese?" He asks. You look at the large pizza with cheese on one side, pepperoni on the other.

"Let's do pepperoni." You say. He hands one to you and you savor the first bite. You haven't had food this good since forever ago.

"How have you been?" He asks softly.

"I'm doing ok I guess." You respond. "It sucks but I think I'm handling it pretty well."

"You really are. I'm so proud of you." He says. You smile up at him and give him a kiss. He returns it and you hope so bad that he doesn't let go. But he does.

"You know I love you, but you smell terrible." He says.

"Hey, it's not my fault." You say. "They're only allowing me one shower before my trial."

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