Chapter 4 : The ford of Bruinen

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Visits to Aragorn and Mithrandir had been less frequent for some time.

On that day, a guard of the forest beyond the ford sent a message to Imladris.
Immediately, Glorfindel, followed by a small armed unit and Elenwë, moved towards the ford.

Once there, they separated. In the heat of the action, Glorfindel picked up a young, wounded hobbit who had been pursued by the servants of the Dark Lord, the Nazguls.

Glorfindel hurried towards Rivendell, asking the rest of the group to protect the ford that led to the valley of Imladris.

As Sauron's servants approached, Elenwë felt a great force crossing it. There, two metres away from her, the Bruinen flowed peacefully.

Elenwë dismounted from his horse and entered the water. She didn't know why, but she asked the river to protect them and breathed all her will and strength into the current.

Immediately, a feeling of fullness overtook her. At last she was whole at last. How could she have lived when she lacked that half of her personality?

She didn't know and didn't really care to have a reason. Now she was Elenwë and the river trembled with her anger.

The Nazguls entered the water, sure of themselves. Elenwë intimated the Bruinen to drown them. Immediately a muffled roar was heard.

The waves in the distance rose and carried away the black horsemen's mounts without further ado.

The other elves had not seen anything. "Good for them.

Elenwë didn't feel like having to explain to them that she had just realised she was in control of the water.
The accompanying elves praised the reaction of Nature and Elenwë had a thousand questions.

Glorfindel had arrived in Imladris in a hurry. The Semi-man was dying. His wound was caused by a Nazgul blade.

These blades are evil. As soon as she had returned to the buildings, Lord Elrond demanded her presence at the Hobbit's side.

Elenwë rushed and arrived at the bedside of the dying man.

-Elenwë... You can do something to save him, do it quickly.

-There is.

Immediately Elenwë touched the wound of the wounded man, on his left shoulder. She concentrated and visualised the poison in his body.

Carefully, intellectually, she recovered the poison and gathered it under the skin just below the wound. She became more and more busy, working faster and faster, with more precision.

When she finished her work of gathering, she grasped a thin blade used for the incisions.

Carefully, she cut the skin above the poison and took it out of the body of the Semi-man. She continued her task until she no longer detected any drops of poison in the body of the wounded man.

She turned to her father and Mithrandir. She had already been at it for two and a half hours. She hadn't seen the time go by but now she felt weak and exhausted. She looked at her father's grey eyes.

-He is... out of danger now.

Elrond and Mithrandir sighed with relief.

-In ... Amin anta est, kaim. (I... I need to rest).


As Elenwë started to leave, she ran out of energy and her legs gave way.

She felt herself falling to the ground but before she hit the stone violently, two strong arms surrounded her. A light black veil covered her eyes and she could no longer hear. When her feelings returned, after a few seconds, she met her father's worried gaze.

-Pân mae, Ada.

Elrond didn't listen to his daughter and put one arm on her back and the other on her knees.
He lifted her off the ground where she had obviously been the previous moment.

-Put me down! I am too heavy for you.

-Am I too heavy for you?

Elrond tightened his grip on his daughter's body so that she couldn't move. With a skill and strength she had never suspected, he carried her to her room. As soon as Elenwë touched the pillow, she fell asleep, exhausted.

The next day, when Elenwë woke up, she went to the dining room for breakfast. As she approached, she heard happy voices coming to her ears. Three hobbits were standing there, as well as Aragorn.

Elenwë warmly greeted his training companion. They ate in a happy atmosphere, maintained by the natural good humour of the hobbits.

Their names were Sam Gamegie, Merriadoc (Merry) Brandebouc and Perigrin (Pippin) Touque.

The prowler offered Elenwë a duel.

-I hear that you have become the best swordsman in Imladris, my dear Elenwë! What if we check that you have not become stronger than me?

-I'm sure I have! she replied, stung to the core.

-Don't think you can beat me easily, little Elenwë.

-I would like to point out that I am six hundred and fifty-eight years old and you are only eighty-something...?

-Eighty-seven in fact.

-Aha! You're pretty well preserved for such an old human!

-But I do have a bit of elf blood, my dear, from a few ancestors!

-Ah... so that's it!

-What's this? That fight?

They went out and joined the training area. They drew their weapons and warned each other. For a moment they looked at each other, neither of them daring to initiate the attack.

Suddenly Elenwë took off. She attacked quickly and Aragorn parried. The blows followed one another and for the moment the two opponents were unable to destabilise the other.

Suddenly, Aragorn made a feint and Elenwë found herself on the ground. Aragorn smiled contentedly.

-How did it go?

Elenwë swept his legs and the Ranger in turn found himself on the ground. Elenwë bent over him before he had time to get up.
She put the point of her sword on Aragorn's throat and said to him:

-"One must never be too quick to claim victory, my friend!

-I... I have been fooled. You have won.

-It is only a postponement, Aragorn.

-Very well then... en garde!

They moved back into position. Both were of excellent level and it seemed that neither was stronger than the other.

Aragorn had more strength than Elenwë but this one was faster and more agile than him. While the duel lasted in length, Lindir interrupted them.

-Lord Aragorn! Lady Elenwë! The Halfman has awakened!

Immediately, the fighters stopped fighting and put their weapons back into the scabbard. They rushed to the convalescent man's bedside and they came that the latter, although a little tired, was in good shape.
The young Frodo Sacquet greeted Elenwë and said to him:

-I was told that it was you who cured me. Thank you, Lady Elenwë.

-You are most welcome. I am glad that I was able to contribute to your healing.

The other three hobbits entered the room to greet their friend and Elenwë, feeling too much, quietly left. Three days passed.

Frodo was now fully recovered. Quite suddenly a dwarf delegation arrived in Rivendell, and a man from Gondor, Boromir.

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