Chapter 16 : Lothlorién

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Frodo and Sam managed to follow the others for a while, but Aragorn was leading them on, and after a while they dragged them back.

Sam's wound burned him like fire, and he felt his head empty.

In spite of the bright sun, the wind seemed cold after the hot darkness of Moria.

He shivered.

Frodo found each step more painful, and he breathed.

Legolas finally turned around and, seeing them now far back, he spoke to Aragorn.

The others stopped and Aragorn ran up, shouting to Boromir to come with him.

-I am sorry, Frodo! He cried out, full of concern. So much has happened today, and it is so necessary to hurry, that I had forgotten that you were wounded, and so was Sam. You should have spoken! We did nothing to relieve you, as we should have done, all the Orcs of Moria were after us. Come on! A little further on there is a place where we can rest for a while. There I will do what I can for you. Come, Boromir! We'll carry them.

Shortly afterwards they came to another stream which, coming down from the west, joined its bubbling waters to the swift Cours d'Argent.

The banks were steep and covered with mosses, rich vegetation and blueberry bushes. At the bottom, there was a flatter area through which the river flowed noisily on shiny pebbles.

They rested there. It was then nearly three o'clock in the afternoon, and they were only a few miles from the Gates.

The sun was already shining to the west.

While Gimli and the two younger Hobbits were lighting a fire of brush and fir trees and drawing water, Aragorn was looking after Sam and Frodo. Sam's wound was shallow, but it looked ugly, and Aragorn's face was grave as he examined him.

After a moment he raised his head with an air of relief.

-You are lucky, Sam! he said. Many have received worse than this in response to the death of their first killer whale. The cut is not poisoned as are too often the wounds inflicted by killer whale blades. It should heal well when I have treated it. Bathe it when Gimli has heated some water.

He opened a small bag and took out some withered leaves:

-They are dry and have lost some of their virtue," he said, "but I still have here some of the athelas leaves that I picked near the Windy Mountain. Crush one of them in water and wash the wound well, and I will bandage it. Now it is your turn, Frodo!

Aragorn also healed the Ring-bearer, and they stayed there for a few moments to rest.

Legolas had, on his arrival, laid Elenwë at the foot of a tree. Still unconscious, his white hair had been released from the tie that had previously tied it to his back.

His hair was quite long and spread around his relaxed face.

Legolas went to help Gimli for a few minutes before returning to watch the young elf.

It was the moment she chose to regain consciousness.

With difficulty, she opened her eyelids and wanted to stand up. But a hand pressed hard below the base of her neck to force her to lie down.

She let herself do it, still quite tired.

Her surroundings began to become clearer and she soon noticed Legolas beside her.


-Shhh... Don't get agitated.

-But... what about you? You were...

-Shut up, I said! I'm very well now, unlike you.

He frowned sternly and pointed to Elenwë's hair.

Then she saw his hair.

-But... what?

She grasped the end of a lock of hair between her fingers and looked at it attentively.

-Is it... white? What on earth...

Legolas smiled sadly and said:

-"The healing power weakens the one who uses it to heal others. You are completely UNCONSCIOUS! Do you realize that if you hadn't lost consciousness you would have died? You have given me almost all your life energy! How do you think I would feel if you had died because of me? I couldn't have stood it... So next time don't do it...

-But you were going to...

-Promise me that.

-Then don't ever do that to me again. I don't want to... lose you.

Legolas looked at her, surprised.

Did she care about him? He smiled at her embarrassed look.

-A promise against another, then?

-That's what it was. she said, addressing the elf with a sincere smile.

-It is understood then.

-I'll be careful in the future. I promise you that. she replied to the blond elf.

Legolas got up and asked her if she was hungry.

-No. Thank you.

They remained silent for a few moments and then Legolas went to eat, leaving Elenwë alone.

She had straightened up and leaned against the back of the tree, slowly coming to her senses.

When they left, she was able to stand up and walk, provided someone supported her.

Legolas offered her support and she accepted willingly.

They arrived towards the end of the day at the edge of the Lothlorién forest.

The night wind blew coldly down the valley to meet them. In front of them stood a large grey shadow, and they heard a perpetual rustling of leaves, like poplars in the breeze.

-The Lothlorien! exclaimed Legolas. Lothlorien! We have arrived at the edge of the Golden Forest. What a misfortune it is winter!

In the night the trees rose high in front of them, forming a canopy over the road and the river that suddenly flowed under their extended branches.

By the pale starlight, their trunks were grey, and their trembling leaves had a tinge of tawny gold.

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