Chapter 3 : Dwarves

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He turned his head and saw his daughter standing there laughing and looking in his direction.

He walked up to her and smiled and said to her

-Garich i dhôl goll o Orch! (You have the hollow head of an Orc!).

-Ná! (Indeed, certainly) she replied, her face always smiling.

-Tampa, Elenwë! (That's enough, Elenwë!)

-Mae Ada, díheno. (Yes Daddy, sorry)

Elrond looked at his daughter who had laughed so cheerfully at his annoyance and said to him:

-A hótule asinye i meneltannar tirien!

(Come outside with me and look at the stars).

-Mae Ada.

They went outside to get some fresh air and Elrond sighed and stared at Elenwë.

It was a beautiful night and the stars were shining brighter than ever.

-Naughty girl! he said, smiling broadly. You're supposed to support me, not laugh at me!

-I know, Daddy, but you looked so exasperated that it escaped me!

-Come on, now! What did I expect? After all, at two years old you were a terror.

-Was I?

Elenwë was really surprised to hear that.

-You could have driven poor Haldir mad! Do you know what they called you? The "Terror of the Lorién"!

-Didn't they? Elenwë strangled herself.

-Oh yes! An unbearable little elf!

As soon as they thought you were asleep, you would run away to roost in high places.

Poor Haldir would spend hours looking for you.

By the way... that's how I met you for the first time.

-Were you looking for me?

-No. It was dark and you were supposed to be in bed. Lady Galadriel, Lord Celeborn and I were engaged in a very serious discussion when suddenly a little elf arrived and looked at me and called me "Ada". That was the first time you spoke. And that was to call me "Ada". And after that... You never left us again, little Elenwë.

-Do you regret it?

-Not in the least. I'm very happy to have you as my daughter.

Elrond approached his adopted daughter and gently kissed her forehead.

-Hantale, Ada. (Thank you, Papa)

Elenwë looked at the stars in the sky.

She listed the names of several of them in her head.

Elemmírë, Eärendil, Carnil, Alcarinquë, Lumbar, Luinil, Nénar?

The silence and calm after this eventful meal was divine.

Finally, after giving Elenwë a brief hug, Elrond went out to take care of his business.

Elrond had to confess, however, to being intrigued by the reason for the Company's existence, its purpose and why, in its wake, it had dragged with it a horde of Orcs through its territory. Sauron's servants were not in the habit of venturing so close to the beautiful Imladris.

The elves had quickly eradicated them without too much trouble on their mounts and with their arrows. Gandalf had remained unclear about their quest for the Lord of the Land. The one they called Peredhel knew how to be patient.

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