Chapter 28 : We are followed

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Long days went by like this.

Sailing during the day and resting on the banks at night.

Nevertheless, Aragorn and the two elves felt that they were being followed and this did not reassure them at all.

Gollum had been there since before Moria, but it seemed to them that patrols of Orcs and Uruk-Hais were on their heels.

So the nights were not restful for this trio in particular.

One evening they stopped as usual on the western bank of the Anduin.

The hobbits were setting up their things and already Frodo was asleep.

Elenwë had noticed that the Semi-man seemed to sleep a lot but was never really rested. And the more time passed, the more this became apparent. It must have been the influence of the Ring. Poor Frodo! But what had he done to deserve such a burden?

Elenwë loved to chat with the Hobbits, who were very cheerful and simple Little People. She could see that all these worries were weighing on Frodo.

Sam did his best to appease him but without much success. But Elenwë found his friendship with Frodo endearing.

What a misfortune it would be if something bad happened to the hobbits! People like them are not made for war.

Boromir looked at Elenwë as she thought this way, astonished to see her so worried.

-Well, well, well, well! What happened to your legendary good humour, Elenwë? he said.

Elenwë was startled, surprised at the understanding of her first name.

-Oh... Oh... Oh... Forgive me, Boromir, I was... lost in thought.

-I saw that! he smiled.

Gimli was busy with Sam preparing a meal.

-They will need fire... said Legolas who had approached. Elenwë, how would you like to go and get some with...

-I would! Fit Boromir. I'll go with you. Let's go

Elenwë laughs at the outraged look on Legolas' face, who must not have been used to being cut off...

She couldn't have known that in fact he was going to offer to go with him to keep watching her from the corner of his eye.

-With pleasure Boromir, let's go!

Elenwë stood up while chatting happily with the Gondorian.

Aragorn caught an unsympathetic glint in Legolas' eye and sneered inwardly. He was jealous?

Legolas' feelings for the young elf were obvious and Aragorn was convinced that Elenwë also loved Legolas.

He sighed. Couldn't they see him?

Elenwë and Boromir were busy in the camp collecting wood while talking to his companion.

The man was talking to him about the beauty of his country and his city, Minas Tirith.

He described it with such warmth and affection as Elenwë said:

-Truly, I shall not be satisfied until I have seen it with my own eyes. It looks magnificent!

-She is truly magnificent! It is the heart of our country, guarded by Osgiliath! How I miss my country! But I wish the Valar people would let me be there soon! My little brother is waiting for me there.

-Do you have a brother?

-Yes, his name is Faramir and he is a very brave and loyal person. He's probably the best of both of us, although Father refuses to acknowledge it.

-Oh don't say that Boromir! In the beginning I thought you had all the faults of the world, but in the end I see in you more than a comrade! You are a dear friend and I am happy to have met you!

-I am glad to have met you, too, in truth. I regret that I have judged you so badly.

-That is all in the past now. Let us look to the future.

-Finally, I hope that Aragorn will become the King of Gondor...

-Is that so?

-Yes, it is. I made a mistake. The glory days of Gondor will return, I can feel it, and it will be because of Aragorn. He is an exceptional man and I think he will be a great and just king, equal to the great elf lords of our times.

-You are right, Boromir. I feel that too.

-The tree of Minas Tirith will blossom again one day. That is certain.

As they were about to return to the camp, a soft light surrounded Elenwë.

The moon was full and had been up for one or two hours.

The light intensified, encompassing the young sheth.

From the glow, a soft voice was heard.

She spoke neither in Elvish nor in the common language, it seemed as if she was speaking directly to the heart. So Boromir heard it too.

-I am proud of you, my daughter.

The light faded and Elenwë looked at Boromir, completely stunned.

-It was... strange... she said, her gaze absent.

-Yes, it was. Boromir replied.

-Please don't tell the others, Boromir. They don't need any more trouble.

-It is understood.

Meanwhile, in the camp, Gimli and Aragorn were talking.

After a while they noticed the quick and worried look of Legolas standing a little further away.

Smiling one at a time, they looked at each other and saw that they were thinking the same thing.

-Master Dwarf, let's make a bet. I give them two more weeks!

-Oh no, the elf is far too shy! They will take longer, believe me!

-Are you sure?

-I'm absolutely sure.

-Is it a sure bet?

-You're on.

They shook hands and smiled.

That's when the two wood gatherers returned.

-What were you two up to? said the young elf.

-Nothing at all! said Aragorn with a big smile.

He and the dwarf burst out laughing as Elenwë looked at Legolas, who shrugged his shoulders and signalled that he hadn't understood any more than she had.

She gave up understanding and went to lie down to rest.

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