Chapter 15 : Face to face

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They were all devastated by the loss of Gandalf who was their guide and the pillar of the community.

The community walked all day long in silence.

Elenwë was lost in thought.

Mithrandir had been a dear friend.

She remembered him tirelessly telling her, at her request, about the peculiarities of the regions of Middle-earth.

He had told her about the beauty of the mines of the Iron Mountains, the splendour of the Caves of the kingdom of Thranduil, the father of Legolas, the wonders of Minas Tirith, the White City of Gondor, the splendour of Erebor, the Lone Mountain, the wild brilliance of the Old Forests, the harmony of the songs written by the peoples, even if they were not elven...

She was very fond of the old magician and looked forward to his return to Imladris to see him.

And even if he was in a hurry or worried, he always took the time to have a long discussion with her.

Elenwë's heart was very heavy. How could you get used to the idea that he was gone forever? When she closed her eyes she saw him smile so clearly and heard the wise voice tell her the legends of mankind.

Legolas, also distressed, could not help but keep an eye on the young elf.

She looked so worried and sad that it hurt her.

At the end of the day, they stopped near a cave.

Quickly and silently they set up camp.

Sam, accompanied by Boromir and Merry, prepared a meal while Legolas and Elenwë went their separate ways to fetch wood.

Frodo lay down on the ground and closed his eyes immediately.

Pippin, with Gimli, went to fetch water.

The rest of the evening passed in the greatest silence and the elves rose to stand guard, each convinced that they would not be able to sleep at night.

The others fell asleep.

Elenwë had moved a little further away and settled on a high rock.

It was a beautiful night. How could it be? The world would have had to lose its lustre to greet Gandalf's departure...

She lay down with her back against the stone and stared at the vault of heaven.

The stars were shining brightly and she finally felt a little at peace.

Legolas hadn't joined her, at that moment everyone needed some solitude to digest the fateful news.

Aragorn turned over in his half-sleep. The next day they should reach the Lothorién and be safe.

The night passed and the day began to dawn.

While the light was still rather dim, the howling of the beasts could be heard.

Legolas leapt to his feet and grabbed his bow.

Elenwë listened and approached the elf.

-There are only about twenty of them. A reconnaissance patrol.

Legolas aquiesca.

They awakened the others and Aragorn asked Gimli and Boromir to protect the camp.

The Dúnadan and the two elves moved towards the noise, entering the forest.

They walked side by side. Elenwë had drawn Ant Estel and stood on guard.

Suddenly, groves sprang up from the orcs mounted on the organ.

The battle began, three against nineteen.

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