Chapter 29 : First wave and Boromir's madness

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It was a slight noise that woke Elenwë up.

She leapt to her feet and met the astonished gaze of Legolas, who was on guard at the time.

-Did you hear it? That noise? she whispered.

He shook his head silently and motioned to her to keep quiet.

Elenwë stretched out his arms, hearing as he did many footsteps.

She tried to count them. 12. No 14 assailants.

Too many for both of them! But still...

Nevertheless, they could not let their comrades sleep. Elenwë rushed to the sleepers and shook the shoulders of Boromir and Aragorn.

She woke Gimli and then the hobbits.

Within seconds they were ready to defend themselves.

With their blades drawn, they stood in position.

Legolas and Elenwë had prepared their bow of the Lothlorién and had notched an arrow.

With their senses on alert, they waited.

Elven arrows came at the end of more than half of the attackers.

Together they killed the last attackers.

Once this was done, Aragorn ordered them to leave.

Within two minutes, the camp was up and the companions were in the boats.

The day's route was rather calm. In the evening, Aragorn told them that they were only half a day's sailing away from the place called Tol Brandir, located next to the Rauros Falls.

-This is where we will stop for a moment to decide which route to take.

The companions nodded their heads.

-Now let us rest while we still can... Elenwë, will you take the first watch with Boromir?

-Of course I will, Elenwë.

Legolas glanced at Aragorn in exasperation, but he did not see him.

The night passed without a hitch and Elenwë again chatted happily with Boromir.

He told him about the legends associated with the Men of Yesteryear kings and Elenwë listened attentively.

-I love these stories! When I was younger, Mithrandir used to pass from time to time in Imladris, Fondcombe and he would tell me about the battles, wars, alliances, legends and conversations that brought him back the Lurkers or the Riders of Rohan. Not once did he fail to come and tell me the news from Middle-earth.

But now, for the first time, I have left my home to travel.

-So how do you find the "real" world?

-More alive and real, but also sometimes darker and sadder than he suggested.

They remained for a few moments in silence and then Elenwë said:

-Once he said to me:

"One day you will come with me, Elenwë, to see this world with your own eyes, I am convinced."

And so it was. I went with you, but I could never have guessed that they would leave us like that. He was one of my best and oldest friends.

-How long had you known him?

-Since I was a child, a little over six centuries.

-For an elf you are very young, aren't you?

-Yes... I'm almost six hundred and sixty years old. I am younger than Legolas, who is a thousand eight hundred and some...

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