Chapter 6 : The Community of the Ring

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The evening went relatively well, considering that the dwarves and the elves did not kill each other that evening.

After two hours, Elenwë could no longer stand still. She had to move.

She went to the painting corridor.

A stone statue was holding a stone tray with pieces of Närsil, the sword that had cut off Sauron's finger and taken the Ring from him.

A huge painting showed the scene. Isildur held the sword up, triumphant.

Elenwë turned away from the sword and approached a large painting.

Celebrían, Elrond's wife. The woman who had raised her as her own daughter.

She put her hand on the canvas.

With her heart clenched, she moved away from the painting.

She walked away without realising that Legolas was not far away, sitting in an armchair.

Legolas looked at the painting and read "Celebrían, Lady of Imladris, wife of Lord Elrond - Joined the White Shores in 2510 3A."

He then followed the young Elenwë, who seemed so strange to him.

She entered a relatively dimly lit corridor and could not hold back an exclamation of surprise when two arms grabbed her.


-Are you afraid of me?

Elenwë relaxed and answered:

-Of course not, but I hadn't seen you. You surprised me.

-Well, well, well, well. Forgive me, then.

-You wanted to speak to me, Ada?

-Mae. Elenwë. Mankoi lle uma tanya? (Yes. Elenwë. Why did you do that?)

-I... don't know. I had a feeling. I knew I had to go.

-Did you think about your old father?

-To tell the truth, just before I accepted, that was the first thing I thought of. I know you're disappointed in me.

-No. I'm sorry you're leaving, but you've never disappointed me, Elenwë.
Detholalle. (It's your choice) And I respect it. You were destined to join this community, I saw that.

-But why do I wonder...

-You will have an important role to play. I'm sure you will.

-Hannon him, Ada. (Thank you, Papa.)

Elrond hugged his daughter tightly.

He whispered:

-I shall miss you, Elenwë.

-I shall miss you too.

-Will you come back?

-I can't promise you that, but I'll try.

-You'd better. I don't want to lose you like Celebrían. At least not so soon. You're still young, and six centuries isn't enough time for an elf.

They stood there, unaware that Legolas, in spite of himself, had heard the whole conversation.

Elenwë sang a song and Elrond quickly joined her.

Their melodious voices rose up into the starry sky.

Legolas shivered. Elenwë had a splendid voice.

Uich gwennen na 'wanath ah na dhín.
You are not bound by loss and silence.
An uich gwennen na ringyrn ambar hen.
For you are not bound to the circles of this world.
Boe naid bain gwannathar,
All things must pass,
Boe cuil ban firitha.
All life is doomed to fade away.
Boe naer gwannathach.
You have to go, and yet you are not without hope.

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