Chapter 4

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Fuli was dragged along the cold floor of the alien ship, as she tried to kick away whatever was grabbing her. The dragging quickly stopped, and she saw some sort of weird alien robot. Kion, Bunga, Beshte, and Ono ran up to the robot and jumped at him, in an attempt to attack him. But the robot just casually reached out and flipped them over. Fuli naturally rolled her eyes at her friend's failed attempt to fight the robot.

Everyone quickly stood up and got into a fighting stance, ready to face whatever alien creature inhabited the ship. "Don't move, or we'll kill you!" Bunga said.

"How?" The robot questioned.

"There's five of us," Kion pointed out.

"Exactly! But wait, isn't there supposed to be si- oh right, I forgot!"

The five teenagers just stood there confused from the babbling robot. "What are you talking about?" Ono questioned.

"Just turn around." Everyone stood there looking at each other, then looked back at the robot. With not many other options, and not sure what to do, everyone obeyed the robot, and turned around. "Go on," the robot encouraged.

Everyone got a better look at the chamber. A chill went down everyone's spine, as the alien appearance of the ship was starting to have them on edge, fearing for the worst.

The chamber itself retained the metallic aesthetic of the rest of the ship. Where the five stood at the moment was a small balcony that stood over the rest of the chamber. On the sides were stairs that led down to the rest of the area. In the center of the room was a nebula-like projection, around it stood six small platforms, and on the wall was what looked similar to a Pin Art toy.

"Oh wait, hang on one second!" The robot pressed a few buttons, removing the sixth platform, leaving only five platforms circling around the nebula-like projection.

Everyone continued to walk forward, still freaked out by what was going on. But then out of nowhere, the wall started to move and a face started to form. "Alpha! What is going on?" The face on the wall asked.

"Zordon, the crystals! They have been found, and returned to the ship!" Zordon shifted his focus to the five teenagers standing in front of him. They were freaked out by what they were seeing, unsure of what to do.

"I say we run for it." Bunga whispered.

"They look just like their parents," Zordon said.

That one particular comment, however, was what managed to grab the five's attention. "Wait, how does he know our parents?" Kion asked as he turned to his friends.

"I think a better question would be WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!" Bunga shouted while on the verge of a mental breakdown.

"I guess we should start from the beginning, but first, if you have the crystals, show them to me." Everyone obeyed and the five teenagers reached into their pockets and pulled out their crystals, and held them up to the wall.

Zordon shifted back and forth on the wall, "It is true, the crystals have returned to the ship. How did you find them?"

Bunga stepped forward, and raised his hand. "I um, I dug them up." Zordon shifted his position on the wall towards Bunga. "How did you know where the crystals were?"

While slightly unsettled, Bunga continued to explain. "Y-you're being serious? Alright so um we were camping up on the mountain, then I woke up, and I had this strange feeling. Like something was calling out to me, so um I got up, grabbed a shovel, and dug up the crystals."

"So it is true, it is time for the Power Rangers to return." Much like everything else that was going on, everyone was confused by what the wall had said.

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