Chapter 8

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Kion sent out a text message to the rest of his friends. Telling them to meet up with him back at the old campsite where everything started.

He expected his friends to show up, after all these past few weeks were stressful for the group. So the chances of them being awake, or at the very least slightly asleep was pretty high.

Beshte and Ono were the first to show up. Mostly because they lived the closest to the mountains. So it was a shorter walk for the two. Fuli and Bunga were close to an equal distance away from the mountains once you remove the factor of traffic, since it was very early in the morning.

As the two approached the path, they both glanced at each other, before continuing to walk in the dead of night.

The lights from the town could easily be seen below. As they paced through the terrain, they could feel the cool morning spring air.

Both of them just walked up the mountain silently, not saying a word to each other, but the silence was killing Fuli, it was now or never to make things right with Bunga. She took in a deep breath and opened her mouth.

"Bunga look." She started. "I'm sorry for all the teasing I did. I'm sorry for making you feel like shit, and I'm sorry I hurt you. Had I known how much it was affecting you, I would have stopped sooner!"

Bunga stopped walking, and sighed, his breath was shaky. "Do you even know how it feels to be afraid to lose your parents? I've already lost my mom. My stupid relatives got their asses killed in their stupid gang war. I literally have no one! Grandparents, dead! Cousins, Dead! I am one car accident, one argument, one alien invasion from being on my own! If my dad doesn't come home one day, I-I'm screwed!"

Fuli watched as tears slowly began to flow down Bunga's face, something that almost never happened, or at least in front of anyone. "I miss her, I want my mom back. My dad always has to work, and although he says we're fine, I know about the debt we're in. Staying in that expensive suburban home just because he doesn't want me to grow up in the bad part of town. I can't even have my dad be there for me. I'm lucky to even talk to him once per day"

The regret that was inside of Fuli began to grow. Then it hit her, all this time she acted strong to comfort her sister, to reassure her that everything was going to be alright, but in doing so, she hurt someone who needed the same comfort that she gave her sister.

Bunga continued. "What you did hurts even more guys were my escape. I like hanging out with you guys. It gave me the chance to just live my life and forget about all of this. I...I never felt alone when we're going out seeing a movie, hanging out at a park, walking around town, spending the night at Kion's house."

The yellow-cladded girl paused for a moment, before responding. "I understand what you mean. The fear of losing the ones you love. My parents constantly fight, and it scares me that I might not see them again. Every night when they would fight, my little sister would sleep in my room because she is terrified that she would lose her family, so I pretend that everything is alright. Because if I act scared, she is going to worry even more, and what happens if my parents do separate? What would happen to me and my sister? She shouldn't have to go through this much stress at a young age, she needs to grow up in a stable family? Look Bunga, I'm not trying to excuse what I did to you. I'm just tired of this. I miss hanging out with you dorks. You're annoying, but I shouldn't have been such an insensitive jerk to you because of it. I just want us to be friends again."

Fuli put her hand out. "Friends?" Fuli asked, hoping that Bunga would shake her hand.

But instead Bunga rushed in and hugged Fuli. "Friends," he said.

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