* At Practice *
( Whistle Blows )
Coach: Good Job Y.N.
Y.N.: ( out of breath ) Thanks.....Coach
Coach: (talking to the rest of the team including you) Everybody go get dressed and there will be no practice this weekend.
The Team: Yeah. Finally no practice
Coach: (laughs) go get dressed
Everybody walks in the locker room and goes and get dressed and waits for their rides you are waiting for your friends one plays Basketball one plays Soccer and the other runs Track. So, Now your friends are getting dressed.
Y.N.: How was practice?
Dionna (runs track): it was good
Kimberly (Soccer): mine was ok i guess
Brea (plays Basketball): it was ok coach be trippen.
All of them: how was ur practice?
Y.N.: same ole same ole volleyball.
You all go home and take a shower and get ready for school.
I promise it will get better so stay tuned imma try to write
more tonight and alot tomorrow but give me your feedback please.

The Perfect Couple (Roc Royal Love Story)
RandomYou had this boyfriend who didn't make time for you . In the mean time you meet another one thinking that he is the one. You go through a lot in your life dealing with lies and infidelity. Then things fall right back into place exactly how you want...