So,you arrive at your home after you dropped Reggie off at his house. & Now,you about to go & shower. You are in the shower just thinking like why is Reggie now caring about what you are doing? Like is he jealous of Roc? Is he trying to express his feelings because he thinks I know something? All these thoughts are going threw your head & you are angry mad & confused. Because you are kind of caught up . Because one minute you have feelings for Reggie because he is kind of the same dude you feel in love with other than that "thing" that happened with the dude before Reggie. But then at the same time you think something between you & Roc will happen because you like him but you are kind of trying to figure out what is going on with this relationship with Reggie. So, you finally get out the shower & get dressed your friends said they are going to bring you something to eat but why you wait for them you finally decide to read your text message from Tiny just hoping it wasn't news about Reggie.
Text Convo:
Tiny: Hey.
Y.N.: Hey?
Tiny: Wyd?
Y.N.: Nothing just getting out the shower & wbu?
Tiny: Nothing. So...... Do you think one day this week you could possibly come check out this Reggie thing with me.
Y.N.: Well! We have this project thing at school & it's kind of those ones where we have to do it at home with a partner. But if I can I will let you know.
Tiny: Oh.Ok!
Y.N.: Well.... Do you have anymore news?
Tiny: No. Not today. But I was just checking on you love you & ttyl.
Y.N.:Love you too.
Will you have time to go with Tiny? What will you & Roc do for your project? Will Roc have to go with you & Tiny. What do y'all think so far?

The Perfect Couple (Roc Royal Love Story)
SonstigesYou had this boyfriend who didn't make time for you . In the mean time you meet another one thinking that he is the one. You go through a lot in your life dealing with lies and infidelity. Then things fall right back into place exactly how you want...