*rings doorbell*
Y.N.: who is it ?
Roc : it's me again roc , i will be in the car waiting for you ok .
Y.N.: alright . *takes a deep breath opens the door *
Roc: wow , ( your name ) you look amazing .
Y.N.: thanks *laughs*
Roc: welcome . *holds car door open * ready to go ?
You: thanks for opening the door , and yes .
Roc: *closes door * *gets in on his side * *starts car* so are you ready ?
Y.N.: yes , but where are we going ?
Roc: it's a surprise , just know i have the whole day well the rest that's left of it planned out just for me and you .
Y.N.: really ? are we at least eatin ?
Roc: yes that's where we going first .
Y.N.: ok that's wassup *laughs*
It was a AWKARD silence for the rest of the drive you can tell that roc was holding something In . For dinner y'all went to your favorite restaurant and roc stayed on his phone the whole time so you got on yours the girls were texting you and making sure you don't forget about the plan . Now you and roc are heading to your next destination the beach .
* at the beach *
Roc: it's so beautiful , the warm sand , sun going down .
Y.N.: yeah .
Roc : this has been a wonderful day . Don't you think ?
Y.N.: yes who ever thought we would be walking hand and hand on this beautiful beach toes in the sand , & talking to eachother .
Roc: Ikr . Well there is something I should tell you .
Y.N.: well . What is it ?
Roc: well , I booked a hotel and we will be stayin the night with eachother .
Y.N.: really that's sweet .
Roc: want to go up there now ?
Y.N.: yeah sure .
* in the room*
Y.N.: whew , I'm so tired . hey do you have some clothes I can wear .
Roc: Yeah I that Victoria secrets bag I'm the bathroom .
Y.N.: aw thanks , *blows roc a kiss * now let me go shower .
She blew me a kiss BLEW me a KISS .
After I take a shower he will take a shower hopefully leave his phone out there and I will look threw it .
Y.N.: *gets out shower* you can get in now ?
Roc : alright see you in like 30 minutes and we can watch a movie .
Y.N.: alright .

The Perfect Couple (Roc Royal Love Story)
RandomYou had this boyfriend who didn't make time for you . In the mean time you meet another one thinking that he is the one. You go through a lot in your life dealing with lies and infidelity. Then things fall right back into place exactly how you want...