The Day Of The Baby Shower
So you have already been awaken by Roc and already did your hygiene and ate now you are just waiting for the girls and your mom to come over and do your hair and make up. They come over in regular clothes because they don't want you to see the bridesmaid dresses. They arrive and your mom goes in the guest room with the dresses so that you don't see them.
Dionna comes in and start working on your hair and Kim starts on your make up. Roc comes in and out of the room to check on you and make sure everything is okay. He goes downstairs with your mom to make a phone call and talk.
Your Mom: So are you ready ?
Roc: Yes I am ready I just want to make sure everything is right for ( your name ) I want it to be absolutely perfect.
Your Mom: Have you checked and made sure everything was going good?
Roc: I was just about to FaceTime my mom to make sure that everything is going right.
Your Mom: Well let's do it.FaceTime
Roc Mom: Hey Roc & Hey ( your moms name)
Both of y'all: Hey
Roc: So I was just calling to see how everything is going .
Roc Mom: Its going well here the food , chairs , DJ, cake ,flowers everything is here and ready to go. Even y'all tux.
Roc: Yes so so far so good huh?
Roc Mom: Yes Son *laughs*
Your Mom: Well that's good so look like you need to go tell ( your name) you have to go to the venue due to something right ? & let her know I'll drive her.
Roc: yeah maybe I should do that *laughs* alright mom see you in a bit.
Rocs Mom: Alright.
(Call ends )
Roc heads upstairs to check on you . He asks the girls can y'all be alone so he can tell you something. The girls step out.You: What's wrong baby.?
Roc: Nothing major at all , it's just that I have to go to the venue and handle some things and we are not going to be able to arrive at the baby shower together.
You: *sad*
Roc: Don't be sad I just want it to be perfect so I have to go handle it. But your mom will take you so smile please for me.
You: *fake smile* okay baby.Roc kisses you and walks out but as he is walking out he gives Kimberly and dionna that look like " it's game time " .
The walk back in and continue on your hair and make up.Soooooo since we are at 650k views I just wanted to let y'all know I appreciate everyone who has been here from the beginning we came a long way . So with that being said I have a " gift " for y'all . One I love all of you lol . But two in going to give you a choice to pick on how I carry on this story . So I need y'all to Comment. Comment. Comment. Your answer .
So as you all know every story has to have a twist to it so with that being said here are the choices..
Choice One: I continue the story with the baby shower/wedding you get the details about what happened and everything . Then the twist happens.
Choice Two: The twist happens.Which ever choice has the most comments will win.

The Perfect Couple (Roc Royal Love Story)
RandomYou had this boyfriend who didn't make time for you . In the mean time you meet another one thinking that he is the one. You go through a lot in your life dealing with lies and infidelity. Then things fall right back into place exactly how you want...