Roc is driving to his house with Lisa , Brea is following him , y'all stop at this red light .
* in the car with roc and Lisa *
Lisa: so you want to watch a movie or should we make one ?
Roc: lol . we will see , it's about dat time .
Lisa : lol this is a Long light .
Roc: Ikr , *looks in rear view mirror *
Is that ? It can't be . . . It has to be . No it's not
Lisa : who are you talking to ?
Roc: my self just thinking out loud .
Lisa: lol ok , i thought you saw someone .
Roc: *mumbles* yeah i think i do .
Lisa: what was tht ?
Roc: nothing , oh look the light is green . *drives*
as i was looking in the rear view mirror i could have sworn i saw Brea , but were they at the game , they probably not following me , well , hopefully they not , where is ( your name ) should i text her ?
Brea POV
i should tell ( your name ) &
Say I think we been caught and we should come up with another plan . because this is getting awkward.
On the Phone
Brea : Y.N.
Y.N.: yes ?
Brea: i think we should pull over and come up with another plan . . .
Y.N.: why ?
Brea: because i think roc saw me .
Y.N.: alright pull over at this Mc Donald's , and we will discuss it inside there .
Dionna : ok because I was hungry .
Kimberly : yeah me too .
Y.N.: well this should benefit all of us .
Kind of short working on the next one .

The Perfect Couple (Roc Royal Love Story)
RandomYou had this boyfriend who didn't make time for you . In the mean time you meet another one thinking that he is the one. You go through a lot in your life dealing with lies and infidelity. Then things fall right back into place exactly how you want...