You arrive home , Close the door & cry
just cry , your disappointed & saying
to your self why you ? why am I being
replaced by the next ? I'm the one
carrying his child , his child !
Rocs Point Of View
I had to end things with her so I can go
check on the love of my life , maybe she
don't think that , but I'm going to
express all my feelings for her tonight ,
I pulled up to the house & walked
over to the guest house & seen her car
I walked up to the door took a deep
breath , & proceed to knock but
stopped & turned around , & thought
about it holding the test in my hand
& realized that maybe it's time to
mature , & get into a quote on quote
husband mode & be there for her
so I turned back around . . .
// knocking on door //
You wipe your tears & say who is it ?
Roc : ummm . . . It's me I really want to
talk to you .
You : Go away please . . .
Roc : I'm not running away no more ,
can you please open the door after I
talk to you , I'll leave you alone for a
while not forever though , so can you
please open the door please ?
•• You opened the door let him in &
go back to the floor & sit there with
your head down . ••
Roc : are you going to stand up ?
You : I already let you in , now you
want me to stand too ?
Roc : you don't have to , I'll sit with you
••awkward silence ••
Roc : so Umm . . . I'm just going to sayit , I love you like really really love you
& I always wanted to have a family with
you , you taught me life , you been
there with me since day one . Through
all the groupies , I been through a lot
with you like Reggie & helping you out
& honestly I don't know what I would
do without you like . . . I wasn't mature
like . . . I'm - I'm - I'm ready to mature
now , I promise , like I swear I am ,
I will be all yours nobody else's ,
It will be me and you forever ,
like I dropped everything with ole girl
& now I'm ready to be all yours &
not only that I'm ready to be with you
forever & this time , this time nobody's
leaving or walking out , we going to go
through everything together & stay
with Eachother no matter what .
I love you - - I love you b - I love you
Baby & it always will be that way .
He picks up your hand & kisses it ,
wipes your tears , looks you in your
eyes & kisses your forehead , he looks
down at the pregnancy test . . .
Roc says , I'm ready - - I'm ready to be
a father . . he stands up & says ,
I think I'll leave now , he opens the
door & leaves . . .

The Perfect Couple (Roc Royal Love Story)
RandomYou had this boyfriend who didn't make time for you . In the mean time you meet another one thinking that he is the one. You go through a lot in your life dealing with lies and infidelity. Then things fall right back into place exactly how you want...