So It's Been Some Months . You haven't had the baby shower yet you changed it because you wanted to have the baby shower closer to you being due. You Are Now 36 weeks Pregnant almost 37 weeks . Your going to the doctors to have a check up. You don't know the sex of the baby because you chose not to know until the baby shower your family knows already and is keeping it a secret.
Doctors Appointment
Doctor: Hey , how are you today ?
You: I'm fine , how about you ?
Doctor: That's good , baby been giving you trouble?
You: No they haven't actually.
Doctor: You still don't want to know the sex of the baby? * laughs*
You & Roc: *laughs*
You: No, I just want to have a healthy baby that's all we are worried about a healthy baby and a healthy pregnancy.
Doctor: There is nothing wrong with that.You go through you check up you and the baby are healthy and fine . Y'all are headed home so you can relax.
You: Whew. I'm so tired.
Roc: Sit down and relax baby.
You: Can you sit down with me I wanna talk about something..
Roc: What's wrong baby ?
You: *laughs* Nothing serious, I mean it is serious . It's just come up with baby names that's it.
Roc: Oh okay lol . Well we don't know the sex of the baby yet.
You: I know that I just wanna come up with a boy name and a girl name.
Roc: Alright . Well for boy names how about Aiden or King ?
You: Those are cute what about middle names.
Roc: I thought our the first names * laughs *
You: okay how about Aiden Anthony August?
Roc: Thats dope .
You: Girl names I always wanted to name a girl Nyla or Mackenzie . How about Nyla Marie August or Mackenzie Necole August ?
Roc: Those are beautiful baby.
You: Well you know ..Y'all both laugh . Y'all watch tv & You end up falling asleep. Roc leaves to go to his moms house where he's meeting the guys , your family & friends to discuss some things.
Rocs Mom House
Roc: So I hope that everybody is having a wonderful day today as you all know I proposed to ( your name) and she's also pregnant. We haven't had a wedding yet and with the baby shower being next weekend I think that we should put the finish touches on it. So ( your name) doesn't know a few things such as the sex of the baby , the decorations, and that this is also going to be our wedding. Dionna gathered everything that she wanted and she's been working on getting everything. Kimberly is working on the wedding dress that ( your name) wants. And the bridesmaid dresses . And Moms y'all are working on the baby shower cake and wedding cake. And the boys are working on music and groomsmen outfits. So the plan is for the girls to blindfold her and dress her and out on her wedding stuff take her to the venue I'll already be there waiting down the aisle. Then Mrs. ( your moms name ) un blindfolds her and she look around and looks at me and should know what's going on at that point. Sounds good everybody?
Everybody: Yes .
Roc: *phone rings*Phone Conversation
Roc: Hey Baby
You: Hey where are you I woke up and you were gone.
Roc: I had to stop by my mom house to drop of her something.
You: oh okay tell her hey for me and can you bring home some dinner?
Roc: sure , text me what you want and I'll be there in 30 minutes.
You: ok baby I love you.
Roc: I love you too .Comment & Share .
When this gets to 200 views I'll upload the next part .

The Perfect Couple (Roc Royal Love Story)
RandomYou had this boyfriend who didn't make time for you . In the mean time you meet another one thinking that he is the one. You go through a lot in your life dealing with lies and infidelity. Then things fall right back into place exactly how you want...