So you are at home. Just thinking about what you saw. And you are shedding a few tears and also figure how it are going to try to act like your happy and didn't see anything. So you text Tiny and tell her what you saw.
Text Convo:
Y.N.: Omg! Tiny you won't believe what I jut saw I need your help. A.S.A.P.
Tiny: What? What happend? What you need help with? When do you need it?
Y.N.: Ok! So you know Reggie my boyfriend right?
Tiny: Yeah! The one that is really sweet and you love him to death?
Y.N.: Well currently he was to busy loving someone else.😔
Tiny: What? How do you know did someone tell you this?
Y.N.: No. I found out I thought something was going in because lately he has been "sick" and not wanting to hang out? So I decided to go check on him with the girls. But I didn't want to knock on the door so I was looking threw his window and he was in there with another girl.
Tiny: Wtf? Like ok wht do you want me to do?
Y.N.: Basically when we go to school again imma act like nothing happend. I didn't see anything and we still gonna be boyfriend and girlfriend. But what you need to do is ride pass his house and take pictures and proof so I can show him.
Tiny: I got you cuz. Imma end this dude life break his heart. Wtf? He think this is he must not know I will ruin his house car and that bitch.
Y.N.: Chill trust he will get his.
Tiny: Ok! But I got you! Love you cuz!
Y.N.: Love you too! And thanks so much!
So the conversation has ended your friends wanted to hang out this weekend will you go? Or stay in the house a be crying n eating ice cream forever? Stay tuned.

The Perfect Couple (Roc Royal Love Story)
RandomYou had this boyfriend who didn't make time for you . In the mean time you meet another one thinking that he is the one. You go through a lot in your life dealing with lies and infidelity. Then things fall right back into place exactly how you want...