Ashley: So. Your names Roc as in Roc Royal from Mindless Behavior?
Roc: Yes! Yes I am! And you are?
Ashley: My name is Ashley!
Roc: Oh! That's a pretty name!
Ashley: You think so? ( flirting)
Roc: Yeah! (Laughs)
Ashley: Why thank you! (laughs)
Roc: Your Welcome!
Ashley is kind of cute but I hope she don't keep talking to me because its getting on my nerves because I'm not really interested into her and we just met! Maybe if I put my music in and do my work maybe she will leave me alone!
Ashley POV
Roc is sooooooo fine! I hope he likes me! I wanted to freak out when I saw him walk in! What else can I ask him? Does he think I'm annoying? I wish I knew what he was thinking? Does he think I'm cute? Well he's doing his work I can't ask him?
Omg! There goes Y.N maybe I should ask her can I have her number? But she's listening to her music! Man think Roc think what can I do because she already doesn't seem interested in me. Maybe I should ask Ashley about Y.N..
Roc: Aye! Ashley!
Ashley: Yeah!
Roc: Who is she? ( points to Y.N.)
Ashley: Oh! That's just Y.N. you don't want to talk to her she's a hoe and has a boyfriend.
Roc: Why is she a hoe?
Ashley: Because she can't keep her legs closed?
Y.N.: * gets up to turn paper in*
Ashley: Hey Y.N.
Y.N.: Hey Ashley! *notices Roc but turns around to go back to her desk*
Roc: You was just talking about her and now you saying hi!
Ashley: shhhhh! That's just our secret!
Roc: Whatever!
Why is he here? Can my life get any worst?
Well class is almost over ad remember the teacher has to make an announcement. What will it be?

The Perfect Couple (Roc Royal Love Story)
RandomYou had this boyfriend who didn't make time for you . In the mean time you meet another one thinking that he is the one. You go through a lot in your life dealing with lies and infidelity. Then things fall right back into place exactly how you want...