You & Roc haven't talked for three whole days , at school y'all walk right past each other , y'all sit next to each other in class because y'all are assigned to but y'all don't exchange words unless told to .
So you were walking to your car , you sit there for a while and wait for your friends to come out because y'all were going to go grab something to eat .
While your sitting in you car you see roc starting to walk to his car he arrives there and this girl comes behind him , you can't see her face but have a feeling who she is .
She turns around and you see her face and notice that the girl was a girl you didn't like in school she was rubbing all on roc and he was enjoying it .
Your friends finally arrive , you start driving to where y'all are going to go eat & you can't stop thinking about the possibilities between roc and this girl , are they dating ? Is he cheating ? Is that her number ? Why is she running on him ?
* With your girls out to eat *
You : Hey y'all .
Your girls : Wassup .
Kimberly: So , what's up with you , you looked worried .
You: I will tell y'all later , how is everybody else and there relationship going ?
Kimberly: Me & Ray chilling . Everything is good .
Brea : Yeah , everything is good with me and prince .
Dionna: Prod and I are doing wonderful . *blushes* What about you and roc ?
You : Well we were doing fine until I found this girl number in his jacket and I asked him about it , I trust him and all but I been hurt to many times , I confronted him about we talked and obviously if y'all have noticed me and roc don't exchange words and he doesn't walk me to class . We have t talked for three days , we barely make eye contact .
Kimberly : Wow .
You : & oh yeah before I came her and I was sitting in the car I saw that girl I don't like in school at rocs car rubbing on him.
Brea : & you didn't get out ?
You : no I have changed .
Brea: that's a shocker because the old you would have went in .
You : lol yeah I guess .
Dionna : so are you going to the game on Friday ?
You: yeah , I mean he is still my boyfriend and I shall support him .
Dionna : that's good .
Y'all eat & say your goodbyes , you drive home knowing you will be alone no text from roc no nothing .

The Perfect Couple (Roc Royal Love Story)
RandomYou had this boyfriend who didn't make time for you . In the mean time you meet another one thinking that he is the one. You go through a lot in your life dealing with lies and infidelity. Then things fall right back into place exactly how you want...