Teacher: So, class I told you guys that I have an announcement to make. And you guys have a project to do. But the catch is that you have to partner up! I will choose you guys partners and you will find out tomorrow! And all the details of the project as well. Any questions?
Class: *silent*
Teacher: Well on a further notice do whatever you want until the bell rings!
Omfg! A project and partners I wanted to work with someone I like because usually when I choose someone out of the hat it really doesn't work out! *puts in earphones*
I hope and pray that I get paired up with Y.N. because it will give me a chance! Not only to be around her and talk but to see what she is interested in and see and hear about the asshole of a boyfriend she has!
*Bell Rings*
* At lunch with the Girls*
Kimberly: So, Y.N. how is your day going?
Y.N.: I just have one question before I start on how my day is going. Why TF is Roc Royal from Mindless Behavior going to this school!
( Kimberly whispers to Dionna "wait until she finds out where he lives")
Y.N.: What was that Kimberly and Dionna?
Kimberly & Dionna: Nothing!
Y.N.: It better not be but anyway nobody answered my question!
Brea: What was the question again?
Y.N.: Why TF is Roc Royal from Mindless Behavior going to this school?
Brea: How you know he go to this school?
Y.N.: 1. Because everybody talkin bout you seen the new boys and shit!
2. He's over there at that table!
And 3. I have a class with him.
Dionna: Well idk what he is doing here?
Kimberly: Now, answer our question how is your day going?
Y.N.: Ok! I guess I mean in class we have to do this project but we won't find out who our partners are until tomorrow and what the project is about and all that good stuff! I'm really ready for practice you know!
Kimberly: Yeah! Girl I feel you!
Dionna: Well I have to to bye!
Brea: Yeah! I think I should be going to see ya later!
Kimberly & Y.N.: Ok! Well see y'all later!
Y.N.: Well they left us guess it is our cue to go huh!
Kimberly: Couldn't have said it better myself! ( laughs)
Well will you have a partner you like? Why didn't the girls tell you the news about MB? What is Reggie up to? What is Roc up to?

The Perfect Couple (Roc Royal Love Story)
RandomYou had this boyfriend who didn't make time for you . In the mean time you meet another one thinking that he is the one. You go through a lot in your life dealing with lies and infidelity. Then things fall right back into place exactly how you want...