So you are backstage not interested at all you put your beats on and zone everybody out but MB is telling your friends something.
MB: So. Where do you guys go to school?
The Girls: Central Highschool. Why you ask.
MB: Because this is our last show for a while. And Walter said that we have to stay in Atlanta and find a Highschool and possibly make Atlanta our home.
The Girls: You guys should its really fun we all play sports and we watch Y.N. model sometimes we always are over her house. She's really funny when you get to know her but the time that you guys meet her is a bad time.
MB: Well can y'all tell us what happened.
The Girls: Nawl. We're not going to put her business out there but it seems like Roc likes her he been staring at he every since she walked in. But if y'all ever get close I'm pretty sure she will tell you.
MB: Ok! I'm going to get Walter so you can tell him about the school and is there any houses tht are open you know of?
Brea: Actually there this new house on our street nobody lives there their actually looking for someone to buy I can get you the number if you want and you can call in the morning!
Prince: (sits by Brea ) I think I would want your number instead. I mean like to get in contact with you to get the number to the place.
Prod: Yea! Dionna can I have your number Incase Prince doesn't get in contact with Brea and I can call you?
Ray: Kimberly I'm not making an excuse I want your number can I have it?
Roc: Ummm! I will ask Y.N. for her number maybe at school or another time.
Kimberly: Ok! Are you sure because I can give it to you?
Roc: No! Because I want to do it my self because I don't want her to be like well you could have asked me instead of her and blah blah blah!
Kimberly: (laughs) Oh! I understand.
So MB exchanges numbers. All Roc could do was stare at you. MB walks you to you guys car and make sure you get in and drive safetly they tell you to text them when you guys get home by the way all the girls are sleeping over your house.

The Perfect Couple (Roc Royal Love Story)
CasualeYou had this boyfriend who didn't make time for you . In the mean time you meet another one thinking that he is the one. You go through a lot in your life dealing with lies and infidelity. Then things fall right back into place exactly how you want...