Y.N.: & we were fighting , & I -I - I decided to give up & then after I gave up he *tear falls* he took advantage of me , I was beaten I was crying and then I looked at the time and realized my sister would be on her way home so I just start fighting again , and we fight and fight and he reaches for his pants and pulls the gun out and shoots me , I lie there in pain eyes close , & the front door opens he runs out putting on clothes and after that runs down stairs and greet my sister at the door , trying not to let her come up the stairs because he knew that I would be waiting there most likely dead but I wasn't so I had a plan because i knew he would be back so I pretend to act dead , he tells my sister I am upstairs getting dressed , & she should wait outside and I will be down shortly . She leaves thinking I will be out shortly . He closes the door and walks up the stairs slowly my hearts racing , im trying not to breath I'm nervous thinking he will come back and kill me , I'm praying tht I make it to the hospital , praying someone will notice me & then he walks in I stop breathing and lay there no movement and the door rings again this time it's my mom . & ik right now is the time to get up and move and get my things and walk out because she won't let anything happen to me . So I walk holding my wound. & manage to out clothes on I'm crying and shocked heart broken and , walking down the steps i see my mom on the couch she doesn't notice me my step dad is in the bathroom , I signaled my mom and told her shhh I will text her and she said ok . And she saw what happened and she grabbed her gun and waited for my stepdad to come out . & shot him . my sister drove me to the hospital . & they thought I wasn't going to make it but I'm here . & a really important thing I remember about this is that it's was raining and storming will I was laying there and I'm terrified because that's all I think of . This is why Im kind of mean to boys because one this and I'm scared to let my guard down and a new one is because my heart was broken I was cheated on by a boy who I thought was the one .
Roc: Wow , I didn't know , like wow .
Can I tell you something ?
Y.N.: *wipes tears* sure .
Roc: Ik , that you probably don't want to be in a relationship right now , but if so can you be my girlfriend , only if your willing ?
Y.N.: Yes Roc , *hugs him *
Roc : One more thing *looks into your eyes* I promise that I will never cheat , never hurt you , & never make you do anything you don't want to do . And I will wait on you you know if we ever get to a point in this relationship where we have sexual encounters I won't rush I will wait until you say it's ok .
Y.N.: *breaks down in tears* Really ?
Roc: Yes ! You have my word .
Y.N.: *lays head on roc chest*
Roc: *wipes away your tears* Don't cry , you don't have to cry if you don't see me cry . Your strong !
You eventually fall asleep together while your laying on his chest . 😍

The Perfect Couple (Roc Royal Love Story)
AléatoireYou had this boyfriend who didn't make time for you . In the mean time you meet another one thinking that he is the one. You go through a lot in your life dealing with lies and infidelity. Then things fall right back into place exactly how you want...