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~All warnings are in the description of the book~

ᴊᴜɴᴇ 20ᴛʜ, 1914
"I'm sorry... I'm not sure if we should be doing this, you know how everyone else views relationships like this Reich, I can't-"

"Shhh..." The German hushed the Austrian and gently caressed his cheek then softly rubbed his thumb over the other's lips, "Don't think about them they don't matter. What does matter is what we feel for each other. Who cares about what they think?"

The smaller of the two looked up at The German Reich, he pulled his head away from the taller man's hand, "I-I can't! If anyone sees us like this they'll make fun of us and hate us!"

"Austria Hungary.... Don't you trust me? I'm tired of hiding, so what if they shun us?! I'm tired of hiding my love for you! Every time someone sees us near each other you immediately start to avoid me! Are you ashamed to love me..?"

Austria Hungary gasped and immediately shook his head, "No! I love you it's just I don't want the other's to think that I'm-"

"Gay?" Reich crossed his arms then glared at the smaller man, "You're ashamed of me. I can tell. I hate having a lover that's fucking ashamed of me. I'm sick of it."

Austria Hungary looked down trying to avoid the piercing glare that his lover was giving him. He had seen many look at him in disgusted ways but when The German Reich did it it always stung. The fact that he refused to say anything made the German even more angry.

"Fine then... I guess this discussion is over. I've had enough of it anyways... Please leave my home." Reich said, his voice was laced with venom and anger. It made Austria Hungary shiver and want to run.

"I'm sorry Reich... I really do love you though..." Austria Hungary said quietly, but loud enough for his Love to hear.

Reich let out a heavy sigh then looked at Austria in his red and green eyes, "Are you really?" The Austrian meekly nodded his head in response. He was normally a strong and courageous man but when Reich was there he showed his softer and more sensitive side.

Reich frowned a bit not exactly believing Austria Hungary, he still felt hurt that he wouldn't just let the world know that they both loved each other. He knew that the Austrian was ashamed that he felt the way he felt towards another man.

Normally two men loving each other was considered a sin to some people. Normally the submissive in a relationship was the main target of bullying and abuse from other men. This is why Austria Hungary, being the submissive in their relationship was desperate to keep it a secret.

Reich felt that everything would be fine but Austria Hungary was scared that other countries would make fun of him.

The German man looked at his lover then uncrossed his arms, "I'll protect you if anyone hurts you. You know that. So if we come out and tell everyone about our relationship and they want to hurt you, I'll be there to stop them. You trust me don't you?"

"Yes I do, it's just... I want to wait on that. I promise that in due time we will let the world know about us, but I feel like now isn't the time... Ok?" Reich nodded his head disappointedly, "Fine... I'll let it remain a secret."

Austria smiled a little then kissed his lover's cheek, "Thank you."

Someone spoiled part of this story~~~
Screw your money Imperial-Japoon Imma murder you. 👀
Jesus Christ this took a long time to make... We've been working on the prologue and first chapter for who knows how long!!

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